Personal Health Insurance Options
- Most medium-size and large companies offer some type of health insurance for their full-time and often part-time workers. Full-time workers, though, have more of their insurance paid for. Before accepting insurance through your job, consider the cost. The insurance that comes through a company for its employees must cover everyone; therefore, it is expensive for the company. So many companies charge their employees several hundred dollars or more a month for this coverage to help cover the costs. The upside is that this is usually good coverage and you can't be denied on this group policy no matter your health. Co-pays can also be somewhat expensive too.
- While getting the same insurance you had through a previous job may be expensive to buy, getting good personal health insurance tailored to your needs can be much cheaper if you are in generally good health. You can shop around through several different companies to get the best price and options. If you can't afford this kind of coverage even with higher co-pays, consider catastrophic insurance. Catastrophic health insurance can be bought for a low yearly premium and covers only expensive emergency situations. This type of insurance will keep you from going broke should an accident happen.
- There are several government-funded insurance programs you may be able to take advantage of in certain circumstances. Medicare is the government-funded program for seniors and those with disabilities. Many low-income families qualify for Medicaid. There are gaps in coverage as to what Medicare and Medicaid pay for, including prescription coverage. CHIP is another government-funded health insurance option for low-income children and some adults that may cover all costs, including prescriptions.
Insurance Through Your Job
Self-Purchased Insurance
Government plans