How to Treat Someone With an Acute Hamstring Strain
- 1). Practice R.I.C.E., or rest, ice, compression and elevation. Make sure the person takes a break from running and refrains from other strenuous sports activity.
Place one to two ice packs where the person's strain is and prop his legs on a chair. The person might have strained the muscles that attach the back of the knee to the back of the thigh. Or, the strain might be at the middle of the back of the thigh.
Ice for 10 to 15 minutes with each ice pack wrapped in a towel and secured with an Ace bandage wrapped around it. - 2). Use a foam roller to rehab hamstring injuries.
Begin by having the person sit on top of a five-foot foam roller so that his hips are on top and the roller is lengthwise. Have the person set one foot flat on the floor and cross the other over the thigh.
Have the person roll the foam roller across the back of his hip where the back pocket would be: at the glutes. The top attachments of the hamstrings start at the sitting bones.
Move the foam roller to the back of the thighs and roll across the back of the calves. Doing so will release unnecessary tightness that would make healing the strain more difficult. - 3). Track the person's progress: If he does not see an improvement in the injury within four to six weeks, see a doctor. Improvement would mean a lessening of pain and more stability in the muscles: the person should not feel wobbly.
Practice R.I.C.E.