Water as a Commodity; Disaster Planning in the United States
The Colorado River is critical for life in the South Western United States and even Southern CA, without that water flow much of our civilization as we know it could not exist without resorting to extreme hardship.
Or could we? Is there are way to deliver water by rail and truck to the our more densely populated areas in the event of a major disruption from an Earthquake or International Terrorism? Could a company buy up all the used tanker trucks line them with plastic or a glass coating and use them to haul water? Could a company get contracts to take over water, liquid and old fuel tanker trailers for conversion and have these contracts in place prior in case they were needed? In case the western cities run out of water, which is looking that way from our last big Mid West and South Western Droughts, we will need to plan for contingencies either way.
We might also discuss the Billionaire water rights holders, who are busy buying up those rights for the future, when water becomes the most precious commodity.
How would we get the water to the cities by truck, it would take a major distribution plan and it would have to be implemented perfectly to prevent chaos in the streets.
Consider moving the water by land transportation using the Ancient Silk Road Theory of distribution and create a series of potential routes along a system, with many redundancies to prevent any disruption.
The trucks will move along the routes open to deliver the water.
The United States needs a disaster plan for the American People, which will prevent the chaos we witnessed in Hurricane Katrina with FEMA.
We must develop this plan now prior to the Huge California Earthquake or any bio-attack on our infrastructure, as it is the only way to insure that we do not a have a major disruption causing many deaths among our citizenry.
Consider this in 2006.
Or could we? Is there are way to deliver water by rail and truck to the our more densely populated areas in the event of a major disruption from an Earthquake or International Terrorism? Could a company buy up all the used tanker trucks line them with plastic or a glass coating and use them to haul water? Could a company get contracts to take over water, liquid and old fuel tanker trailers for conversion and have these contracts in place prior in case they were needed? In case the western cities run out of water, which is looking that way from our last big Mid West and South Western Droughts, we will need to plan for contingencies either way.
We might also discuss the Billionaire water rights holders, who are busy buying up those rights for the future, when water becomes the most precious commodity.
How would we get the water to the cities by truck, it would take a major distribution plan and it would have to be implemented perfectly to prevent chaos in the streets.
Consider moving the water by land transportation using the Ancient Silk Road Theory of distribution and create a series of potential routes along a system, with many redundancies to prevent any disruption.
The trucks will move along the routes open to deliver the water.
The United States needs a disaster plan for the American People, which will prevent the chaos we witnessed in Hurricane Katrina with FEMA.
We must develop this plan now prior to the Huge California Earthquake or any bio-attack on our infrastructure, as it is the only way to insure that we do not a have a major disruption causing many deaths among our citizenry.
Consider this in 2006.