How to Make a Dog Bathtub Out of Rubbermaid Container
- 1). Purchase a Rubbermaid container to use as a bathtub. They are available in major department stores as well as on the Rubbermaid website. There are many sizes to choose from -- pick one that will give the dog plenty of room to comfortably move around when he is being washed. Something in Rubbermaid's 21 to 35 gallon series would work well for most average size dogs. A clear container may also be fun so the whole dog can be seen in the tub.
- 2). Take the Rubbermaid container outside or to an area indoors where it is okay to get wet. Take the lid off the Rubbermaid container and set it aside.
- 3). Fill the container about 80 percent full of warm water to minimize the chance of water splashing out of the tub.
- 4). Bathe the dog using dog-only shampoo. This can be added to the bathtub ahead of time but is best to lather it into the dog's fur during the bath. Let the dog shake himself dry when done and then dry him further with a towel.
- 5). Empty the water out of the tub after finishing your dog's bath. Take a towel and dry it out completely. Set the Rubbermaid container outside to dry even further or use a hairdryer if there is no place to put it outside.
- 6). Put the dog shampoo and towel into the Rubbermaid container so it can be easily found for the next bath. Since the container is large use it to store other things as well. Avoid putting tiny items in the container, so it is easy to unload the container when it is time for another bath.
- 7). Put the lid back on the container and store it in an area where it is easily accessible for the next bath.