Reversing Male Pattern Balding Requires Commitment and Dedication
If someone told me years ago that I would have to fight to overcome male pattern baldness I would have just laughed. After all why would I lose my hair in first place, and if I did surely there would be some potion, pill, or prescription medication that would restore my lost locks in record time.
Boy was I wrong on all counts! While some would have you believe that minoxidil infused products will magically reverse that every expanding bald spot, receding hair line, and/or thinning which are classic signs of male pattern baldness for me at least that wasn't the case. Furthermore, from observing my friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances I suspect I am not the only one who has not benefitted from minoxidil infused hair re-growth products.
But even if you are lucky enough to be the one out of ten who has benefitted from these popular products you know that they need to be applied twice a day and are not cheap. You probably are also aware that as soon as the product is discontinued any new hair growth will quickly disappear leaving you back where you started, or perhaps even worse.
The way that male pattern baldness attacks scalp follicles leading to hair loss is what makes it so difficult to treat and why dedication is required to hold it at bay.
As you may know nine out of every ten men and three out of every ten women will see their hair gradually disappear due to male or female pattern baldness. This condition requires dedication to reverse because in most cases at least 15,000 scalp hairs are lost before it is recognized along with the fact it relentlessly continues to spread as the hair loss hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) accumulates and shrinks healthy hair follicles one at a time.
Given the right set of circumstances minoxidil along with a number of natural herbal and homeopathic remedies are able to slow and even stop this progression but daily dedication is required. If only a few day of treatment are missed a man or woman with male pattern baldness will start to feel their scalp becoming a little bit sore or irritated and may even find a couple of precious hairs on their pillow or disappearing down the shower drain.
But halting its progression is only part of the battle when it comes to reversing male pattern balding. The other part involves reinvigorating those dormant or damaged hair follicles so they can rejoin the hair replacement cycle. Once again daily attention is required and even the slightest slip up will send you speeding straight for the land of bald spots and shiny domes.
There is one other bear trap to look out for and that is using shampoos that aren't conducive to hair re-growth. These can come in many forms but what I pay attention to is whether they dry out or irritate the scalp and of course cause hair loss. If there is even a hint that any of these warning signs are occurring I will find a gentler more natural product possible containing aloe and/or jojoba oil.
In conclusion, I do believe male pattern baldness can be reversed with commitment and dedication but as with so many complicated progressive genetic condition there are a myriad of every changing variables to contend with.
There is one last word of wisdom that is worth highlighting and that is the sooner male pattern baldness is recognized and treatment is started the better chance you will have to overcome this progressive condition.
Boy was I wrong on all counts! While some would have you believe that minoxidil infused products will magically reverse that every expanding bald spot, receding hair line, and/or thinning which are classic signs of male pattern baldness for me at least that wasn't the case. Furthermore, from observing my friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances I suspect I am not the only one who has not benefitted from minoxidil infused hair re-growth products.
But even if you are lucky enough to be the one out of ten who has benefitted from these popular products you know that they need to be applied twice a day and are not cheap. You probably are also aware that as soon as the product is discontinued any new hair growth will quickly disappear leaving you back where you started, or perhaps even worse.
The way that male pattern baldness attacks scalp follicles leading to hair loss is what makes it so difficult to treat and why dedication is required to hold it at bay.
As you may know nine out of every ten men and three out of every ten women will see their hair gradually disappear due to male or female pattern baldness. This condition requires dedication to reverse because in most cases at least 15,000 scalp hairs are lost before it is recognized along with the fact it relentlessly continues to spread as the hair loss hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) accumulates and shrinks healthy hair follicles one at a time.
Given the right set of circumstances minoxidil along with a number of natural herbal and homeopathic remedies are able to slow and even stop this progression but daily dedication is required. If only a few day of treatment are missed a man or woman with male pattern baldness will start to feel their scalp becoming a little bit sore or irritated and may even find a couple of precious hairs on their pillow or disappearing down the shower drain.
But halting its progression is only part of the battle when it comes to reversing male pattern balding. The other part involves reinvigorating those dormant or damaged hair follicles so they can rejoin the hair replacement cycle. Once again daily attention is required and even the slightest slip up will send you speeding straight for the land of bald spots and shiny domes.
There is one other bear trap to look out for and that is using shampoos that aren't conducive to hair re-growth. These can come in many forms but what I pay attention to is whether they dry out or irritate the scalp and of course cause hair loss. If there is even a hint that any of these warning signs are occurring I will find a gentler more natural product possible containing aloe and/or jojoba oil.
In conclusion, I do believe male pattern baldness can be reversed with commitment and dedication but as with so many complicated progressive genetic condition there are a myriad of every changing variables to contend with.
There is one last word of wisdom that is worth highlighting and that is the sooner male pattern baldness is recognized and treatment is started the better chance you will have to overcome this progressive condition.