Prices Realized: California Originals Cookie Jars
This month's spotlight is on California Originals a company that started out in 1945 as Heirlooms of Tomorrow. Their first products were porcelain lace figurines. The name changed a few years later when the production of pottery artware began. California Originals closed for business in 1982.
California Original jars are usually marked with a number (three or four digits) and USA somewhere on the rim, on the back or near the bottom.
Source: The Complete Cookie Jar Book by Mike Schneider
California Original Cookie Jar
- Woody Woodpecker -- $417.
Goofy's Cookie Company -- $466.
The Count -- $455.
Dumbo -- $400.
Scarecrow -- $210.
Mickey Mouse on a Drum -- $275.
Pinocchio with Fishbowl -- $382.
Tigger -- $259.
Bambi -- $229.
Superman Brown Phone Booth -- $193.
Victrola Cookie Jar -- $73.
Snowman -- $73.
Cocker Spaniel -- $26.
Interesting eBay Prices/February 2006:
- Brayton Laguna Ringmaster -- $1725.
Regal China Cookie Jarrin' Little Angel -- $316.
Vandor Andy Griffith Police Car (autographed) -- $510.
Warner Bros Marvin the Martian -- $166.
Goebel Chimney Sweep -- $525.
Happy Memories Hopalong Cassidy - $490.
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