Seven Super Party Bag Fillers That Won’T Break the Bank
Having kids can be an amazing and challenging experience. There can be many ups and a few downs, but whatever happens, these kids grow up and each year there's another birthday party to organise. Being the great parent that you are, you'll want to ensure that your kids have the best birthday possible. Well, a birthday party isn't quite complete without the addition of those awesome party bags. So here are seven ideas for party bag fillers that will keep your purse and the kids happy.
Kids love to draw, doodle, scribble, and ruin your walls when you're not looking. So why not add some fuel to fire and chuck in a pencil or two into their party bags. You can pick up colourful designs for boys and girls for next to nothing.
Pencil Sharpeners
Why not kill two filler ideas with one thought and combine those pencils with a lovely pencil sharpener too. Not only will it make a perfect addition but pencil sharpeners are also cheap as chips to buy.
Every child should learn to be a bookworm. Books encourage creativity and imaginative thought. Plus, they'll improve the kids reading ability and they may even learn something new. Plant the learning seed and place a bookmark in their party bags.
Spinning top
Spinning tops are both cheap and fun. They can provide a good few hours of laughs and you can devise a game where they have to try and keep it spinning for as long as possible. They also come in a whole host of designs and colours that make them suitable for both boys and girls.
Bouncy balls
These are great fun. Granted, they can cause a slight wild outbreak when you have twenty children launching them every which way. However, just remember that it's only their birthday once a year and if children's parties weren't designed to have a little mayhem in them then there's something wrong with the world.
Foam gliders
These cheap little planes are perfect for outdoor entertainment. They're even quite a lot of fun for the adults too. Add one in to the party bags and watch the laughter take off.
Fake tattoos
Now your wonderful son or daughter is going to be way too young to consider a real tattoo. Nonetheless, that does not mean they cannot pretend and enjoy slapping tattoo transfers all over their body. These little pieces of entertainment are very cheap, can be bought in bulk, and come in a range of designs that are suitable to boys and girls.
Kids love to draw, doodle, scribble, and ruin your walls when you're not looking. So why not add some fuel to fire and chuck in a pencil or two into their party bags. You can pick up colourful designs for boys and girls for next to nothing.
Pencil Sharpeners
Why not kill two filler ideas with one thought and combine those pencils with a lovely pencil sharpener too. Not only will it make a perfect addition but pencil sharpeners are also cheap as chips to buy.
Every child should learn to be a bookworm. Books encourage creativity and imaginative thought. Plus, they'll improve the kids reading ability and they may even learn something new. Plant the learning seed and place a bookmark in their party bags.
Spinning top
Spinning tops are both cheap and fun. They can provide a good few hours of laughs and you can devise a game where they have to try and keep it spinning for as long as possible. They also come in a whole host of designs and colours that make them suitable for both boys and girls.
Bouncy balls
These are great fun. Granted, they can cause a slight wild outbreak when you have twenty children launching them every which way. However, just remember that it's only their birthday once a year and if children's parties weren't designed to have a little mayhem in them then there's something wrong with the world.
Foam gliders
These cheap little planes are perfect for outdoor entertainment. They're even quite a lot of fun for the adults too. Add one in to the party bags and watch the laughter take off.
Fake tattoos
Now your wonderful son or daughter is going to be way too young to consider a real tattoo. Nonetheless, that does not mean they cannot pretend and enjoy slapping tattoo transfers all over their body. These little pieces of entertainment are very cheap, can be bought in bulk, and come in a range of designs that are suitable to boys and girls.