How to Make a Deer Stand With a Shelter
- 1). Find an acceptable tree with a fork or "Y" connection approximately 15 feet from the ground. An acceptable tree would be close to a regularly used deer path or feeding station, apple tree or edge of a feeding field.
- 2). Prepare the wood so that it will be easily transported into the woods using a backpack for carrying the pieces to the tree. Cut both sheets of plywood into 2-by-8-feet lengths, and then cut in half again so that you have 4 2-by-4-foot plywood sections.
- 3). Prepare the 2-by-4-inch studs so that you have 8 2-by-4-by-24-inch studs that will be used for step to gain access to the stand, and then cut the remaining 2-by-4-inch stud in half so that you have 2 2-by-4 inches by 4-feet studs which will be used to support the covering to your deer stand. Drill holes in each end of the steps of the deer stand so that you are able to slip the end of the rope you have through the hole and secured with a knot on the other side, can now utilize the rope as an added support of your weight when climbing.
- 4). Carry all the pieces you will use to build your new deer stand to the tree you will use as the foundation. Having scouted out the area, and being sure that this is the location you will hunt from, begin to access the height of the trees by constructing a step ladder which will take you to your deer stand. Using appropriate lengths of rope, secure the steps to the tree by hanging the steps under the secured rope ends on the back or side of the tree. While you can nail the steps directly into the tree as well, having the rope support will give the steps added strength to carry a load. Attach the steps 18 to 24 inches apart. Do not make them any farther apart or the task of climbing with all your equipment and heavy clothing will make the task extremely hard.
- 5). Once you can access the fork in the tree, approximate the exact area where the first platform piece will fit into the fork. By making “V” cuts into each side of the plywood platform piece, you can get a tight fitting base secure between the two branched of the "Y" foundation. Once the piece is fitted, drive 4 4-inch nails into the tree on each side of the "V" cuts into the plywood. The first platform is secure.
- 6). Add wood support to underneath the platform and secure firmly with added nails or rope lashings you may want to add at this time. Once the platform is secure, the tree will begin to grow around the platform resulting in an extremely secure stand during the next year’s season due to the growth of the tree. For right now, be sure to use good judgment when securing the first platform of the deer stand to insure your safety during the first year of use.
- 7). Use the two long stud members and attach them in a way to the arms of the Y extending above the platform, so that you can attach the remaining plywood sections to the tree to cover and surround you while you are using the stand during the hunting season. Take the time to secure everything properly, and utilize the tree and the parts you have to get the most of the space. When completed. You have a great stand that will keep you off the ground, out of sight, and out of the weather during a long day’s hunt.