How Can I Tell If My Basement Tiles Are Asbestos?
- 1). Check against the EPA's list of suspected asbestos containing materials (see Resources). If you believe the tiles are on the list, call for professional removal.
- 2). Obtain an appropriate sampling container (see Resources) and put on disposable rubber gloves and a face mask.
- 3). Prepare the basement before collecting a sample. Close of all doors and ventilation that leads to the basement. Place plastic or paper sheets on the floor under the sample area.
- 4). Make a detergent solution by adding a few drops of liquid detergent to a small spray bottle of water. Spray the sample area with the solution.
- 5). Cut a sample piece from the tile. Be sure to collect a sample that includes the entire thickness of the tile. Place the sample in the container and seal tightly, covering with duct tape.
- 6). Clean the sampling area with a wet paper towel and dispose of the knife and sheets. Do not shake out the sheets before discarding.
- 7). Send the sample to an asbestos testing lab.