What Are the GUI Test Script Exceptions?
A test script refers to a series of instructions that will be undergone by a certain system that is under a test.
This script will verify that the system indeed functions the way that it should be.
There are different ways for executing such scripts.
The first one is to do it manually wherein this is called the test cases.
The second is automated in which there is an involved program to test the functionality of a system.
On the case of graphical user interface systems, there is a need for a developer to ensure that when he optimizes codes, the behavior of the software is not affected.
For instance, he has added a new feature in the software that will make the program even faster and memory efficient.
However, there are great chances that such changes will affect another part of the program.
This is why there is a need for tests for a developer to find out.
For GUI test, there is an immense call for a reliable method when finding the components that are interesting, the clicking of buttons, the dragging of things and the selecting of cells in a certain table.
Here, you do not just find any robot you need a better on so that you will be able to perform any actions in the user level.
The events that a program provides are similar to an assembly language meant for GUI testing.
In order to encourage and facilitate testing, one needs a higher level demonstration.
Now, let us talk about the GUI test script exceptions.
If you are attempting to execute a test script through GUI and you get an exception, there would be times when you would have problems in terminating it after the execution.
First of all, when talking about exceptions, this is a term that refers to the action that is not a part of the standard operations.
In programming languages, there is what we call the exception handling so that programmers and developers will be able to deal with the special conditions which change the regular flow of execution of any program.
There are various GUI test script exceptions that you can encounter.
Using Java, you will find that this language has built in exception and handling support.
The advent of GUI test script exceptions will search back through the function calls stack until the right exception handler has been found.
During the GUI test, a developer should always have a checklist on what he would like to verify in the functionality of the software.
There are three important sections that should be tested and they are the Windows compliance sets, the screen validation of the tester and the validation testing.
Each section contains different testing processes such as the shortcut keys or the hotkeys, the data field, aesthetic and navigation conditions, usability, command buttons, check and text boxes and others.
The GUI test script exceptions are like signals that tell you that something went wrong.
They are thrown or raised by the program itself or the hardware through the use of special commands.
This script will verify that the system indeed functions the way that it should be.
There are different ways for executing such scripts.
The first one is to do it manually wherein this is called the test cases.
The second is automated in which there is an involved program to test the functionality of a system.
On the case of graphical user interface systems, there is a need for a developer to ensure that when he optimizes codes, the behavior of the software is not affected.
For instance, he has added a new feature in the software that will make the program even faster and memory efficient.
However, there are great chances that such changes will affect another part of the program.
This is why there is a need for tests for a developer to find out.
For GUI test, there is an immense call for a reliable method when finding the components that are interesting, the clicking of buttons, the dragging of things and the selecting of cells in a certain table.
Here, you do not just find any robot you need a better on so that you will be able to perform any actions in the user level.
The events that a program provides are similar to an assembly language meant for GUI testing.
In order to encourage and facilitate testing, one needs a higher level demonstration.
Now, let us talk about the GUI test script exceptions.
If you are attempting to execute a test script through GUI and you get an exception, there would be times when you would have problems in terminating it after the execution.
First of all, when talking about exceptions, this is a term that refers to the action that is not a part of the standard operations.
In programming languages, there is what we call the exception handling so that programmers and developers will be able to deal with the special conditions which change the regular flow of execution of any program.
There are various GUI test script exceptions that you can encounter.
Using Java, you will find that this language has built in exception and handling support.
The advent of GUI test script exceptions will search back through the function calls stack until the right exception handler has been found.
During the GUI test, a developer should always have a checklist on what he would like to verify in the functionality of the software.
There are three important sections that should be tested and they are the Windows compliance sets, the screen validation of the tester and the validation testing.
Each section contains different testing processes such as the shortcut keys or the hotkeys, the data field, aesthetic and navigation conditions, usability, command buttons, check and text boxes and others.
The GUI test script exceptions are like signals that tell you that something went wrong.
They are thrown or raised by the program itself or the hardware through the use of special commands.