Travel light
That's one of the timeless promo of cebupacific airlines. Most of us would oftentimes choose that promo over the regular ones, for the simple reason that we don't want to pay extra. I've been known to travel lightly. I mean, I packed stuff very light. I remember my daughter's dad who'd always rely on me when it comes to packing his stuff whenever we have to travel whether out of town or out of the country. His would always be full-packed two big suitcases like he's not ever going back and so I'd always have to re-packed his stuff and he'd be amazed how in one suitcase all his things would be neatly piled and packed with still some room for his gadgets and knick knacks. I realized long time ago that traveling light makes you move faster without any worries to consider, you're comforted to know that nothing will be amiss or be left behind since everything you have is in one lightly packed suitcase.
The same principle I've learned to apply when it comes to my emotions. I've learned to travel lightly as well. It's not easy but always it's a very painful process that would most often than not would let you consider going back to cumbersome load of disappointments, guilt and pride. I learned this sluggishly, a process that I've to go through and have learned a great deal now couple with prayers; I'm trying to apply in every given situation I'm encountering or been going thru. When my daughter's dad crushed my heart to the ground, my spirit sank to its lowest; like expected, I went to a yo-yo of emotions but I found myself slowly digging my own death, the gravity of the negative effect was killing the person that I was instantaneously. It's during my lowest point in life when I found myself praying hard, begging God to set me free from the burden of pain I was feeling. The journey was never easy but I had to go through it to be able to relieve my self from the atrocious load. Forgiveness – the key to travelling light. Forgiving myself first from letting myself down, expectations that resulted to grave frustrations, guilt and pride that I've built around myself; the me-me attitude that most of us can't get away with. We get hurt because we think highly of ourselves, we never realized to consider asking ourselves WHO AM I? We are no different from the rest to be spared from pain, from disappointments and other emotional hurt we proudly try to elude ourselves. We forget to humble ourselves that we are just human and that does not exempt us from getting hurt. It's never easy to forgive ourselves first because we'd oftentimes won't admit that we're part of that broken relationship and that we're one of that pair that never get the tune right simply because we're also at fault whether we like to admit it or not. The next step is forgiving the person that has caused you that severe pain; again, that's not an easy task and to be able to look at that person in the eye and say it from your heart that you've forgiven him for hurting you takes a lot of courage from within. I am not a superwoman but with the strength God has given me by consistently praying for him to released me from that binding pain, I was able to tell my daughter's dad how I've forgiven him. And soon as I've said those words, the big boulders of angst felt like being lifted from my shoulders and the planet of shame and regrets were blown away. Again, it's never easy it takes courage and lots of humility from within to be able to accept things that can never be and to set yourself from the dreams and memories you've built with that person but the only way to go is to move forward and you can't move forward if you'd be travelling with excess baggage within you.
Now, whenever I am faced with disappointments, hurt, frustration or even betrayals from friends and people I value in my life, I've found ways of liberating myself from all of it. Forgive. It's easier. Though for some they claim that it's easier to forgive and harder to forget; I've learned that it not true at all. Yes, you'd still remember what happened but with forgiveness, the memory will still be there but not the pain of remembering it. Only memories and lessons will replace the hurting.
Like cebupacific promos, we have an option in life: Travel Light or Regular wherein you'll be charged greatly for all the excess baggage you've carried with you all your life. I have chosen the easier way, less complicated with the promise of moving and easing out without emotional baggage to carry. Travel light my friends and put all the hurt in one suitcase that you don't really need to carry around. Life is much better and sweeter when we learned to forgive those who wronged us; truly, only then we can say that moving on is easier and a lot more exciting. For God never said that the journey would be easy, but he did say that the arrival would be worthwhile…so travel light!

The same principle I've learned to apply when it comes to my emotions. I've learned to travel lightly as well. It's not easy but always it's a very painful process that would most often than not would let you consider going back to cumbersome load of disappointments, guilt and pride. I learned this sluggishly, a process that I've to go through and have learned a great deal now couple with prayers; I'm trying to apply in every given situation I'm encountering or been going thru. When my daughter's dad crushed my heart to the ground, my spirit sank to its lowest; like expected, I went to a yo-yo of emotions but I found myself slowly digging my own death, the gravity of the negative effect was killing the person that I was instantaneously. It's during my lowest point in life when I found myself praying hard, begging God to set me free from the burden of pain I was feeling. The journey was never easy but I had to go through it to be able to relieve my self from the atrocious load. Forgiveness – the key to travelling light. Forgiving myself first from letting myself down, expectations that resulted to grave frustrations, guilt and pride that I've built around myself; the me-me attitude that most of us can't get away with. We get hurt because we think highly of ourselves, we never realized to consider asking ourselves WHO AM I? We are no different from the rest to be spared from pain, from disappointments and other emotional hurt we proudly try to elude ourselves. We forget to humble ourselves that we are just human and that does not exempt us from getting hurt. It's never easy to forgive ourselves first because we'd oftentimes won't admit that we're part of that broken relationship and that we're one of that pair that never get the tune right simply because we're also at fault whether we like to admit it or not. The next step is forgiving the person that has caused you that severe pain; again, that's not an easy task and to be able to look at that person in the eye and say it from your heart that you've forgiven him for hurting you takes a lot of courage from within. I am not a superwoman but with the strength God has given me by consistently praying for him to released me from that binding pain, I was able to tell my daughter's dad how I've forgiven him. And soon as I've said those words, the big boulders of angst felt like being lifted from my shoulders and the planet of shame and regrets were blown away. Again, it's never easy it takes courage and lots of humility from within to be able to accept things that can never be and to set yourself from the dreams and memories you've built with that person but the only way to go is to move forward and you can't move forward if you'd be travelling with excess baggage within you.
Now, whenever I am faced with disappointments, hurt, frustration or even betrayals from friends and people I value in my life, I've found ways of liberating myself from all of it. Forgive. It's easier. Though for some they claim that it's easier to forgive and harder to forget; I've learned that it not true at all. Yes, you'd still remember what happened but with forgiveness, the memory will still be there but not the pain of remembering it. Only memories and lessons will replace the hurting.
Like cebupacific promos, we have an option in life: Travel Light or Regular wherein you'll be charged greatly for all the excess baggage you've carried with you all your life. I have chosen the easier way, less complicated with the promise of moving and easing out without emotional baggage to carry. Travel light my friends and put all the hurt in one suitcase that you don't really need to carry around. Life is much better and sweeter when we learned to forgive those who wronged us; truly, only then we can say that moving on is easier and a lot more exciting. For God never said that the journey would be easy, but he did say that the arrival would be worthwhile…so travel light!
Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free realizing you were a prisoner.
