How to Play Bb9 on Ukulele
- 1). Start with an easy chord. Bar the eighth fret of the C, E and A strings with your middle finger, and press the seventh fret of the G string with your middle finger.
- 2). Learn another Bb9 chord. Use your index finger to bar the first fret. Put your middle finger on the second fret of the C string and your ring finger on the third fret of the A string.
- 3). Learn another version of the Bb9 ukulele chord. Using your middle, index and pinky fingers in that order, finger the fifth fret of the G, C and A strings. Use your ring finger to press the A string at the fourth fret.
- 4). Learn one final chord. Finger the tenth fret of the G and and E strings with your index and middle finger, respectively. Use your ring finger to finger the eleventh fret of the A string. Play the chord with an open C string.
- 1). Start with an easy chord. Bar the G, B and E strings with your middle finger while leaving the D string open.
- 2). Play the chord an octave up. Use your middle finger to bar G, B and E at the thirteenth fret. Finger the D string at the twelfth fret with your index finger.
- 3). Play a variation of the Bb9 ukulele chord. Finger the G string at the fifth fret with your middle finger. Finger the B string at the sixth fret with your ring finger. Finger the E string at the fourth fret with your index finger. Leave the D open.
- 4). Try one more variation. Leave the D open as in the previous chord. Finger the G string with your ring finger at the tenth fret. Finger the B string with your middle finger at the ninth fret. Finger the E string with your index finger at the eighth fret.
GCEA Ukulele Bb9
DGBE Ukulele Bb9