Where To Get the Best Homeowners Insurance Rates
Homeowners insurance can be expensive, to say the least.
But there are places where you can still get a good rate.
Here's where to get the best homeowners insurance rates with reputable companies.
What does homeowners insurance cover? Homeowners insurance covers the following: Your home - It pays to repair or rebuild your home after it's been damaged or destroyed.
Standard policies provide coverage for damage caused by fire, smoke, plumbing leaks, electrical damage, vandalism, and storms.
Standard policies don not include damage caused by earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes.
If you live in an area of the country that's prone to these disasters you can purchase additional coverage to protect against them.
To figure out how much insurance you need, ask a local contractor or real estate agent what the square-foot building costs are in your area, then multiply that figure by your home's square footage.
You only need to insure your home, not the land it sits on.
Your possessions - It pays to replace your possessions such as furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, sports equipment, and tools after they've been damaged.
Standard policies cover damage caused by fire, smoke, plumbing leaks, electrical damage, vandalism, and storms.
Standard policies set limits on coverage, so if you have expensive items like jewelry, antiques, collections, and computers, check your policy to see if they're covered and purchase additional coverage if necessary.
Your assets - It pays your legal fees and court-awarded damages if someone hurts himself while on your property, sues you, and wins.
Most policies offer minimum coverage of $100,000 to $200,000 which is fine if you don't have a lot of assets to lose.
However, if you do have a lot of assets you want to protect you can purchase a relatively cheap umbrella liability policy to cover them.
Off-premises living - It pays your hotel and restaurant bills when your home has been damaged or destroyed and you need temporary living quarters until it's repaired or rebuilt.
Where can I get the best rates? The best place to get the best rates is at an insurance comparison website where you can get quotes from various companies and compare them in the comfort of your home.
But there are places where you can still get a good rate.
Here's where to get the best homeowners insurance rates with reputable companies.
What does homeowners insurance cover? Homeowners insurance covers the following: Your home - It pays to repair or rebuild your home after it's been damaged or destroyed.
Standard policies provide coverage for damage caused by fire, smoke, plumbing leaks, electrical damage, vandalism, and storms.
Standard policies don not include damage caused by earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes.
If you live in an area of the country that's prone to these disasters you can purchase additional coverage to protect against them.
To figure out how much insurance you need, ask a local contractor or real estate agent what the square-foot building costs are in your area, then multiply that figure by your home's square footage.
You only need to insure your home, not the land it sits on.
Your possessions - It pays to replace your possessions such as furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, sports equipment, and tools after they've been damaged.
Standard policies cover damage caused by fire, smoke, plumbing leaks, electrical damage, vandalism, and storms.
Standard policies set limits on coverage, so if you have expensive items like jewelry, antiques, collections, and computers, check your policy to see if they're covered and purchase additional coverage if necessary.
Your assets - It pays your legal fees and court-awarded damages if someone hurts himself while on your property, sues you, and wins.
Most policies offer minimum coverage of $100,000 to $200,000 which is fine if you don't have a lot of assets to lose.
However, if you do have a lot of assets you want to protect you can purchase a relatively cheap umbrella liability policy to cover them.
Off-premises living - It pays your hotel and restaurant bills when your home has been damaged or destroyed and you need temporary living quarters until it's repaired or rebuilt.
Where can I get the best rates? The best place to get the best rates is at an insurance comparison website where you can get quotes from various companies and compare them in the comfort of your home.