Get Back With Your Ex - When Should You Give Up on Getting Your Ex Back and Move On?
Okay, so we've established that you really do want your ex back, and moving on isn't an option.
So you want to know what you should do if you want to get your ex back.
But there really are some instances when you should consider that your ex isn't good for you.
These situations are: -Abusive relationships.
Either physical, mental, or emotional abuse.
None of these should be tolerated.
Even if you feel like your ex is the love of your life and you are willing to look past the pain he or she caused you, these types of relationships are never good.
Your ex needs help and you should not get back with him or her if they don't get the help they need.
-Your ex is an addict.
If your ex is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or even video games, this is not the best situation for you to be in.
If your ex does not get help for his or her addiction, your ex will always choose the addiction over you, even if you get back together with him or her.
-Your ex repeatedly cheats on you.
He or she might be a sex addict.
If your ex has cheated on you multiple times, always blames you for the affairs, and refuses to talk to someone about why he or she can't be faithful, move on.
It will hurt, but it won't hurt as bad as it would if you end up getting an infection or disease because your partner can't stay faithful to you.
Relationships can survive many things, even affairs.
But one or two affairs are different from ten.
So you want to know what you should do if you want to get your ex back.
But there really are some instances when you should consider that your ex isn't good for you.
These situations are: -Abusive relationships.
Either physical, mental, or emotional abuse.
None of these should be tolerated.
Even if you feel like your ex is the love of your life and you are willing to look past the pain he or she caused you, these types of relationships are never good.
Your ex needs help and you should not get back with him or her if they don't get the help they need.
-Your ex is an addict.
If your ex is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or even video games, this is not the best situation for you to be in.
If your ex does not get help for his or her addiction, your ex will always choose the addiction over you, even if you get back together with him or her.
-Your ex repeatedly cheats on you.
He or she might be a sex addict.
If your ex has cheated on you multiple times, always blames you for the affairs, and refuses to talk to someone about why he or she can't be faithful, move on.
It will hurt, but it won't hurt as bad as it would if you end up getting an infection or disease because your partner can't stay faithful to you.
Relationships can survive many things, even affairs.
But one or two affairs are different from ten.