Making Homemade Trout Fishing Bait
The secret of great fishing lies with the bait.
Today, we are handed with lots of commercialized trout baits from the market that seems to be effective, but they all have basic common ingredients.
When you research about what trout really like, you will learn that they love cheese, anise oil and garlic.
If you want to make a homemade trout fishing bait, follow the steps provided below.
You can start by preparing one pound of Kraft Velveeta cheese.
This type of cheese makes it perfect for baits because it has a scent that is potential in attracting the fish.
It also does not easily fall apart, so it can stay longer n the hook.
You can heat the Velveeta cheese and heat it on the microwave until it melts.
Next step is to add in the other ingredients such as: 1 1/2 cups water, 1 cup all purpose flour, 3/4 cup corn meal, 1 tbsp garlic, salt, and 1 tbsp of anise oil.
Mix all of the ingredients together.
These ingredients will add certain flavor to the bait that is new to them.
That way, they will never know that it is actually bait.
Its cheese aroma will be strong enough for the trout to come racing before the bait.
You need to be aware not to lessen the amount of the ingredients.
Better far if you add more rather than less.
You can also add food coloring but it is just optional.
Lots of commercialized baits use colorings to serve as an attractant.
If you want to add some onto your homemade trout fishing bait, you can choose from colors like light reds or pink which are traditional color favorites for trout baits.
If you choose to retain the natural color of the bait, it is also fine.
Anyway, the colors will not be that important.
Just make sure that the smell will be strong enough for the fish to be attracted to the bait.
Now, you can place a pot or a pan and heat water to it.
Bring it to a boil.
Use a spoon to dip out a portion of the bait.
Form them into small balls with your hands.
After that, drop them carefully onto the boiling water making sure that they will not break apart as you put them down.
The size of the balls would be just like an ideal salmon egg size.
That will do the trout bait.
You need to monitor the cooking process carefully.
Try the bait and test it.
Only add a few bait balls into the pot.
The more you add, he longer the cooking time will be.
If the cooking is done, you can start your trout fishing using your homemade trout fishing bait.
Today, we are handed with lots of commercialized trout baits from the market that seems to be effective, but they all have basic common ingredients.
When you research about what trout really like, you will learn that they love cheese, anise oil and garlic.
If you want to make a homemade trout fishing bait, follow the steps provided below.
You can start by preparing one pound of Kraft Velveeta cheese.
This type of cheese makes it perfect for baits because it has a scent that is potential in attracting the fish.
It also does not easily fall apart, so it can stay longer n the hook.
You can heat the Velveeta cheese and heat it on the microwave until it melts.
Next step is to add in the other ingredients such as: 1 1/2 cups water, 1 cup all purpose flour, 3/4 cup corn meal, 1 tbsp garlic, salt, and 1 tbsp of anise oil.
Mix all of the ingredients together.
These ingredients will add certain flavor to the bait that is new to them.
That way, they will never know that it is actually bait.
Its cheese aroma will be strong enough for the trout to come racing before the bait.
You need to be aware not to lessen the amount of the ingredients.
Better far if you add more rather than less.
You can also add food coloring but it is just optional.
Lots of commercialized baits use colorings to serve as an attractant.
If you want to add some onto your homemade trout fishing bait, you can choose from colors like light reds or pink which are traditional color favorites for trout baits.
If you choose to retain the natural color of the bait, it is also fine.
Anyway, the colors will not be that important.
Just make sure that the smell will be strong enough for the fish to be attracted to the bait.
Now, you can place a pot or a pan and heat water to it.
Bring it to a boil.
Use a spoon to dip out a portion of the bait.
Form them into small balls with your hands.
After that, drop them carefully onto the boiling water making sure that they will not break apart as you put them down.
The size of the balls would be just like an ideal salmon egg size.
That will do the trout bait.
You need to monitor the cooking process carefully.
Try the bait and test it.
Only add a few bait balls into the pot.
The more you add, he longer the cooking time will be.
If the cooking is done, you can start your trout fishing using your homemade trout fishing bait.