The Online Enigma Persona - Is There an Advantage to Being Mysterious?
Being a unique type person has lots of advantages and some disadvantages.
Online the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, but you should know what you are getting yourself into if you go and put yourself out there.
Since there are far more advantages than disadvantages let's go ahead and address some of those first, shall we? One drawback is that humans naturally like to label things, yes, including people and therefore if you are a unique anomaly online it is pretty easy, with everyone trying to categorize you, to miss label what you are all about.
You see, most people judge from their own perspective, box, cave, whatever, and there they'll stay.
So, what happens is you have no way of figuring you out.
A friend of mine recently stated; "In cyberspace, I find that people are even more curious/nosy and judgy about who you "really" are, where you are and what you're up to in the mists and shadows than usual.
" He is right, and this may cause a few of the all-night manic depressed people to blow something out of proportion or see you as something that perhaps bother them.
Maybe they don't like Sagittarius' people, who knows maybe their last ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend was a Sagg? Now there are lots of advantages to the "enigma" motif, online you'll stand out in a crowd while everyone else is trying to blend in, to be like everyone else, rather than themselves.
Meaning you'll have more hits to your social networking page, more followers on Twitter, etc..
Meaning that if you become mysterious, you attract the curious mind and those are the people who are alive, awake and involved in their life experience, the kind of people you want to meet.
You see?
Online the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, but you should know what you are getting yourself into if you go and put yourself out there.
Since there are far more advantages than disadvantages let's go ahead and address some of those first, shall we? One drawback is that humans naturally like to label things, yes, including people and therefore if you are a unique anomaly online it is pretty easy, with everyone trying to categorize you, to miss label what you are all about.
You see, most people judge from their own perspective, box, cave, whatever, and there they'll stay.
So, what happens is you have no way of figuring you out.
A friend of mine recently stated; "In cyberspace, I find that people are even more curious/nosy and judgy about who you "really" are, where you are and what you're up to in the mists and shadows than usual.
" He is right, and this may cause a few of the all-night manic depressed people to blow something out of proportion or see you as something that perhaps bother them.
Maybe they don't like Sagittarius' people, who knows maybe their last ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend was a Sagg? Now there are lots of advantages to the "enigma" motif, online you'll stand out in a crowd while everyone else is trying to blend in, to be like everyone else, rather than themselves.
Meaning you'll have more hits to your social networking page, more followers on Twitter, etc..
Meaning that if you become mysterious, you attract the curious mind and those are the people who are alive, awake and involved in their life experience, the kind of people you want to meet.
You see?