Lighten Up! Interior Design and Home Decorating Lighting Tips
"Tips to help you select the perfect light for your room."
Part II
Before you choose a light, you may want to know some basic terminology used in selecting and measuring light. Four terms or units of measurement of light are footcandles, candelas, lumens, and footlamberts.
Footcandles (fc) is the amount of light hitting a surface. Specifically, one footcandle equals the illumination produced by the source of one candle falling on one square foot of surface at a distance of one foot from the source of light.
The amount of light (or fc) that a space should have depends on the task to be performed in the illuminated area and the age of the person using the space (as we age we typically need more light to perform certain tasks). For example a dining area may only require around 10-20 footcandles, while in the home office you may want 100 footcandles or more.
Candlepower describes how intense light output will be in a certain direction or at a specific point. Candlepower distribution curves are available from most lamp manufacturers and can help you determine how to ensure that the appropriate level of brightness is delivered in you room.
Lamps are typically rated by manufacturers in terms of lumens, or the amount of light output from that lamp. Lumens are also used to measure efficacy (the amount of lumens produced per watt of electricity consumed). One of the reasons many people switch from incandescent bulbs to fluorescent bulbs is because the fluorescent bulbs have a higher efficacy (they produce more light).
Much of the lighting in a space is actually contributed by light reflected from a surface. Footlamberts (fL) measure the amount of light reflected from a surface. If you want to get really technical, (fL= fc x % reflectance). For example, if 100fc reach a wall or table that is painted with a 40% reflective surface, then 40fL will reflect from that surface.
Regardless of what type of home you reside in, whether it be a condo in the city, an apartment on the edge of town or you simply just want to decorate the smaller rooms inside of your home; interior design can be a challenge in this type of environment because of the limited space and options. However, you can still maintain a sense of style without requiring a large area of space, because essentially it is only one room that you are decorating; right? If you keep things simple and organized, home decor selection for small rooms can be easy!
If you take the right design approach, you can simplify the decorating process and make it so that the room seems larger than it really is, once the process is all said and done. Focusing on organization and storage will help you create an atmosphere that is not only functional and elemental, but also very structured or random depending on which way you wanted to take it. In some cases, randomness in room construction can make for an interesting design process.
Take into consideration the following when preparing your plan for the room:
A small room must have plenty of lighting because this really helps to visually open up space. If it is possible, consider a built-in lighting structure such as track or recessed elements. If this is not a possibility or is overbudget, use small accent lamps to light up the corners.
Coordinate your palette and the room will come together by itself. Keep in mind the above mentioned techniques and just have fun with it!
Part II
Before you choose a light, you may want to know some basic terminology used in selecting and measuring light. Four terms or units of measurement of light are footcandles, candelas, lumens, and footlamberts.
Footcandles (fc) is the amount of light hitting a surface. Specifically, one footcandle equals the illumination produced by the source of one candle falling on one square foot of surface at a distance of one foot from the source of light.
The amount of light (or fc) that a space should have depends on the task to be performed in the illuminated area and the age of the person using the space (as we age we typically need more light to perform certain tasks). For example a dining area may only require around 10-20 footcandles, while in the home office you may want 100 footcandles or more.
Candlepower describes how intense light output will be in a certain direction or at a specific point. Candlepower distribution curves are available from most lamp manufacturers and can help you determine how to ensure that the appropriate level of brightness is delivered in you room.
Lamps are typically rated by manufacturers in terms of lumens, or the amount of light output from that lamp. Lumens are also used to measure efficacy (the amount of lumens produced per watt of electricity consumed). One of the reasons many people switch from incandescent bulbs to fluorescent bulbs is because the fluorescent bulbs have a higher efficacy (they produce more light).
Much of the lighting in a space is actually contributed by light reflected from a surface. Footlamberts (fL) measure the amount of light reflected from a surface. If you want to get really technical, (fL= fc x % reflectance). For example, if 100fc reach a wall or table that is painted with a 40% reflective surface, then 40fL will reflect from that surface.
Regardless of what type of home you reside in, whether it be a condo in the city, an apartment on the edge of town or you simply just want to decorate the smaller rooms inside of your home; interior design can be a challenge in this type of environment because of the limited space and options. However, you can still maintain a sense of style without requiring a large area of space, because essentially it is only one room that you are decorating; right? If you keep things simple and organized, home decor selection for small rooms can be easy!
If you take the right design approach, you can simplify the decorating process and make it so that the room seems larger than it really is, once the process is all said and done. Focusing on organization and storage will help you create an atmosphere that is not only functional and elemental, but also very structured or random depending on which way you wanted to take it. In some cases, randomness in room construction can make for an interesting design process.
Take into consideration the following when preparing your plan for the room:
A small room must have plenty of lighting because this really helps to visually open up space. If it is possible, consider a built-in lighting structure such as track or recessed elements. If this is not a possibility or is overbudget, use small accent lamps to light up the corners.
Coordinate your palette and the room will come together by itself. Keep in mind the above mentioned techniques and just have fun with it!