What Are the Secrets For a Good Marriage?
I have been married twice.
My first marriage last just over 1 year.
The marriage wasn't too successful, but I had a baby from that marriage and he is the light of my life, he is the only thing that was good about that marriage.
My first husband and I divorced but stay on friendly because of our son.
I dated a bit for a few years, nothing serious with anyone.
So I decided I was happy the way things were.
If it was just going to be just me and my son that was ok.
I was happy with my life at that point.
Then one day about 9 years after my divorce I met this guy, he was in the Military and he was younger that me.
At first I was only in interested in spending the week end with him and having a good time but that week end we had more fun together, he made me laugh harder than I had laughed in years and we both were very comfortable with each other, it was almost like we had known each other all of our lives.
He asked me to be his girlfriend the next week end and I agreed.
We had been together for 4 months when he asked me to marry him and I said YES! This would be his first marriage and now here it is 21 years later and we are still together and still happy.
So whats the secret? I believe that one thing is that we respect each other, and the biggest thing is that we trust each other.
He has never cheated on me nor have I on him.
When we got married, he worked to earn my trust and I did the same for him.
We make each other laugh and we have a good time together.
This is not to say we don't get upset with each other at times but when we do get upset we don't make a big thing from it.
My husband and I have not had but 1 argument our whole marriage and that was when we first got married.
When we get upset we walk away and we make sure we don't say things that are hurtful or harmful to each other.
After we have had time to think about things and we have cooled down, we come together and talk about it.
It never really does any good to say hurtful things then say your sorry.
What you let come from your mouth is really never forgotten.
So bite your tongue! Here are my secrets for a long and happy marriage, Love each other, truly.
Have trust and respect, they go hand in hand, Make each other laugh, have fun together, act goofy together.
and Never say hurtful and harmful things to each other.
You can never take those words back.
My first marriage last just over 1 year.
The marriage wasn't too successful, but I had a baby from that marriage and he is the light of my life, he is the only thing that was good about that marriage.
My first husband and I divorced but stay on friendly because of our son.
I dated a bit for a few years, nothing serious with anyone.
So I decided I was happy the way things were.
If it was just going to be just me and my son that was ok.
I was happy with my life at that point.
Then one day about 9 years after my divorce I met this guy, he was in the Military and he was younger that me.
At first I was only in interested in spending the week end with him and having a good time but that week end we had more fun together, he made me laugh harder than I had laughed in years and we both were very comfortable with each other, it was almost like we had known each other all of our lives.
He asked me to be his girlfriend the next week end and I agreed.
We had been together for 4 months when he asked me to marry him and I said YES! This would be his first marriage and now here it is 21 years later and we are still together and still happy.
So whats the secret? I believe that one thing is that we respect each other, and the biggest thing is that we trust each other.
He has never cheated on me nor have I on him.
When we got married, he worked to earn my trust and I did the same for him.
We make each other laugh and we have a good time together.
This is not to say we don't get upset with each other at times but when we do get upset we don't make a big thing from it.
My husband and I have not had but 1 argument our whole marriage and that was when we first got married.
When we get upset we walk away and we make sure we don't say things that are hurtful or harmful to each other.
After we have had time to think about things and we have cooled down, we come together and talk about it.
It never really does any good to say hurtful things then say your sorry.
What you let come from your mouth is really never forgotten.
So bite your tongue! Here are my secrets for a long and happy marriage, Love each other, truly.
Have trust and respect, they go hand in hand, Make each other laugh, have fun together, act goofy together.
and Never say hurtful and harmful things to each other.
You can never take those words back.