Do You Believe the Bible is True?
There are 2 kinds of people.
Those who believe the Bible is true and those who don't.
One is right and the other is unfortunately deceived.
Would you like to know once and for all what the truth is about this life changing book? What you are about to discover will either change your life or not.
The choice is up to you.
Many people want proof or evidence in order for them to believing anything is accurate.
So do I especially when it comes to something so significant as this topic.
It was the biggest reason why I decided to find out what the truth really was and it changed my life forever.
The best source we can look at is found in God's Word.
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work".
(NKJV) This proves that God inspired what was written in the Bible.
Look what He says in Psalm 33:4, "For the word of the Lord is right; all his works are done in truth".
(KJV) The more I invested time in His Word I really got to know Who He is and what He likes.
God likes the truth and He wants me to be honest and truthful with Him.
So where does truth come from? The One Who is truthful.
What is the opposite of it? Deception.
Personally, I hate it when people lie to me, don't you? Lies are trying to cover up what already exists.
Many times lies kept me in bondage from doing what I was created to do for God.
It was the truth from God's Word that set me free from the devil's lies.
When I discovered the power that God gave me and how He wanted me to release it into the lives of others, I saw miracles take place.
I've prayed for pain to leave people's bodies and it left instantly.
Other times, I've prayed for backs to be healed and they were.
I could not have done this without God and His revelation of His power and authority He gave me.
If you want more proof, let me encourage you to study the Bible for yourself.
The Word of God will speak to you.
It is quick, powerful and alive.
It is the #1 book that transformed my life forever.
You have a choice today.
What are you willing to believe?
Those who believe the Bible is true and those who don't.
One is right and the other is unfortunately deceived.
Would you like to know once and for all what the truth is about this life changing book? What you are about to discover will either change your life or not.
The choice is up to you.
Many people want proof or evidence in order for them to believing anything is accurate.
So do I especially when it comes to something so significant as this topic.
It was the biggest reason why I decided to find out what the truth really was and it changed my life forever.
The best source we can look at is found in God's Word.
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work".
(NKJV) This proves that God inspired what was written in the Bible.
Look what He says in Psalm 33:4, "For the word of the Lord is right; all his works are done in truth".
(KJV) The more I invested time in His Word I really got to know Who He is and what He likes.
God likes the truth and He wants me to be honest and truthful with Him.
So where does truth come from? The One Who is truthful.
What is the opposite of it? Deception.
Personally, I hate it when people lie to me, don't you? Lies are trying to cover up what already exists.
Many times lies kept me in bondage from doing what I was created to do for God.
It was the truth from God's Word that set me free from the devil's lies.
When I discovered the power that God gave me and how He wanted me to release it into the lives of others, I saw miracles take place.
I've prayed for pain to leave people's bodies and it left instantly.
Other times, I've prayed for backs to be healed and they were.
I could not have done this without God and His revelation of His power and authority He gave me.
If you want more proof, let me encourage you to study the Bible for yourself.
The Word of God will speak to you.
It is quick, powerful and alive.
It is the #1 book that transformed my life forever.
You have a choice today.
What are you willing to believe?