How to Write Applying for a Temporary Mortgage Reduction
- 1). Write the date and the lender or servicer's name and address at the top of the left side of the page. Write your name, address, phone number and account number at the top of the right side of the page.
- 2). Start the letter with a paragraph that states your total mortgage amount, the date the mortgage started, monthly payment and, if applicable, how many payments you have missed.
- 3). Give the reason you need a temporary payment reduction in the second paragraph. Do not exaggerate your circumstances or give personal details to try to garner sympathy. Instead, give a concise explanation that contains only the facts of your situation.
- 4). State how much you can afford to pay every month and how long you will require the reduced payment in the third paragraph.Give as generous an offer as you can because the higher the payment, the more likely the lender is to agree.
- 5). Write a sentence thanking the lender for considering your request and sign the bottom of the letter.