A Visitor In The Night.
A Visitor In The Night...
Last night as I was going to sleep, I strongly felt another female entity in the room who came across as Hecate (Greek Goddess), I don't know if her intentions were good or bad, but I was really tired and I asked her politely to leave and return at another time. She wouldn't and as I was not receptive to her I just put my psychic shield around myself, and left my lamp and some music playing. When I woke up this morning my lamp had been turned off and my music had been paused. I live alone so no one could have done this. I have no doubt she will return - I will let you know!
This is just one of many enitities that have visited me over the years. Most appear at night, others during the day. Most carry a message of some kind and will always return if the time and place is not convenient to me - others are simply mischevious but rarely harmful. Entities such as this visit everyone at one time or another - some see them as 'ghosts' others just experience shivers or have a 'spooky' experience. They do visit for a reason so it is important to recognise these spirits for what they are - they could be carrying a vital message from another time and place or from someone who has passed over. not recogonising them frustates the spiritual flow not only in the messenger entity but also in ourselves.