Tips For Maintaining Your Double Strollers For Infant And Toddler
Virtually every parent in the modern world has at one point or another purchased or borrowed a stroller.
Some people, such has myself, have purchased more than one.
There are lots of reasons for this, in my particular case, it was twofold.
First, we have had a series of children in a relatively short span of time.
Therefore we made the jump from single to double fairly quickly.
Secondly, due to our active nature, we have had some different needs.
Therefore we need some different strollers.
I believe strongly in using the right tool for the purpose at hand.
For example, if I'm at the mall I want a mall stroller.
If I am out jogging with one child, then I want a jogging stroller that takes one child.
If I am out jogging with both kids, I want a jogging stroller designed to handily carry two kids.
Likewise the beach and general walking also call for a stroller that is suitable for those activities.
I have many strollers for many tasks, but also have some that cross purposes.
For example the beach stroller and the bike stroller are in fact the same stroller.
They both roll very nicely and the big wheels that make the bike trailer stable also ensure that it can roll over the sand with no problem.
I have had these strollers for years and they are in tip top shape.
The reason is I maintain them very well.
You might be thinking at this point I'm loopy, what maintenance does a stroller need? If you want to have something for a long time and you have invested a considerable amount of money in it to begin with, then maintenance should be a priority.
This ensures longevity.
Let me give an example.
I own a double stroller for our baby and toddler that has been named after a certain pack animal.
It's a great little unit, but to keep it in top shape it needs a few things.
The wheels need to be lubricated with a silicon gel.
The fabric needs to be treated occasionally with a UV resistant coating.
The wheels need to be kept at optimal pressure and the brake, springs and handle need to be cleared of metal dust occasionally.
If this is performed every 3 or 4 months the thing continues to look and operate like it's new.
Our double jogging stroller is similar.
The same basic maintenance steps ensure it continues to roll smoothly, stay clean and safe.
We've had them both for years and so far they have survived 3 kids and counting.
Some people, such has myself, have purchased more than one.
There are lots of reasons for this, in my particular case, it was twofold.
First, we have had a series of children in a relatively short span of time.
Therefore we made the jump from single to double fairly quickly.
Secondly, due to our active nature, we have had some different needs.
Therefore we need some different strollers.
I believe strongly in using the right tool for the purpose at hand.
For example, if I'm at the mall I want a mall stroller.
If I am out jogging with one child, then I want a jogging stroller that takes one child.
If I am out jogging with both kids, I want a jogging stroller designed to handily carry two kids.
Likewise the beach and general walking also call for a stroller that is suitable for those activities.
I have many strollers for many tasks, but also have some that cross purposes.
For example the beach stroller and the bike stroller are in fact the same stroller.
They both roll very nicely and the big wheels that make the bike trailer stable also ensure that it can roll over the sand with no problem.
I have had these strollers for years and they are in tip top shape.
The reason is I maintain them very well.
You might be thinking at this point I'm loopy, what maintenance does a stroller need? If you want to have something for a long time and you have invested a considerable amount of money in it to begin with, then maintenance should be a priority.
This ensures longevity.
Let me give an example.
I own a double stroller for our baby and toddler that has been named after a certain pack animal.
It's a great little unit, but to keep it in top shape it needs a few things.
The wheels need to be lubricated with a silicon gel.
The fabric needs to be treated occasionally with a UV resistant coating.
The wheels need to be kept at optimal pressure and the brake, springs and handle need to be cleared of metal dust occasionally.
If this is performed every 3 or 4 months the thing continues to look and operate like it's new.
Our double jogging stroller is similar.
The same basic maintenance steps ensure it continues to roll smoothly, stay clean and safe.
We've had them both for years and so far they have survived 3 kids and counting.