How to Get Free Groceries Every Week
- 1). Make a conscious decision to spend a certain amount of time each week planning your grocery shopping strategy. Most shoppers plan their grocery shopping on Sundays when the sales flyers have just come out. You may not be able to complete every deal that you find, but as long as you stick to a plan you will come out ahead. Sometimes using half a tank of gas and 2 hours of your time to get a free bottle of an acne treatment is not a wise strategy! Try to work out the deals that make the most sense, save the most money, and can be accomplished in the least amount of time.
- 2). Knowledge is power. If you don't know what is on sale and what coupons are available, you can't get the free items. Either subscribe to your local Sunday paper, or pick one up each Sunday so you can read the grocery sale flyers. Getting the Sunday paper also gives you access to manufacturer's grocery coupons. (Some people buy multiple Sunday papers just for the coupons.)
- 3). Check frugal blogs and freebie forums online. Blogs like MoneySavingMom, CouponCravings, StretchingABuck, BeCentsable, and BargainBriana will tell you exactly what products you can get for free each week. These women have huge subscriber lists and their readers send in tips about what is free each week at specific stores. Take advantage of the power of the internet and subscribe to these blogs. The deals have already been figured out and all you have to do is show up at the store with your coupon and get the free item.
- 4). Next, plan your weekly menu. For example, you may find a deal on free Taco Bell products at the grocery store - like canned refried beans or taco kits. Try to work in as many of the free items as possible as you plan your weekly menu. Some weeks this works, some weeks it doesn't. You have to be flexible and creative.
- 5). Gather and organize your coupons. The key to saving money on groceries is having multiple coupons for items that you regularly use. For example, Cottonelle bath tissue always has 50 cent off coupons both online and in the grocery coupon inserts. This bath tissue is usually 99 cents at the grocery store. For stores that double coupons, you can get this item free on a regular basis. The same holds true for items like Crest toothpaste, Suave shampoo, Yoplait yogurt, salad dressing, and breakfast cereal. (I never have to pay for these types of grocery items - I get them free.)
- 6). Pick up free items even if you don't need them. If it is free, you have nothing to lose! This works well for non-perishable groceries, health and beauty items, pet food, frozen food, and fresh produce (like fruit) that can be frozen and used later.
- 7). See the resources section below and the articles on the sidebar for more ways to get free grocery coupons and how to get free groceries for your family.