CHIP Income Guidelines for Texas
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Texas takes care of children's health for low-income families residing in the state. Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP and Medicaid are the major programs available. CHIP provides health insurance for families who cannot qualify for Medicaid but who cannot afford other health insurance. Family income is the basis for enrollment and copayment for the CHIP program. Qualifications in 2010 require that a child be under the age of 18, a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident and a Texas resident. - A family of two (adult plus child) with a monthly income of $2,429 or annual income of $29,140 can potentially qualify for CHIP insurance coverage for a child. Vaccinations and well-child visits to the doctor are free with CHIP coverage as of 2010. Children may have a 90-day waiting period before coverage begins after previous health insurance coverage, but exceptions to this rule show on the CHIP Medicaid website.
- Three in the family may meet the CHIP qualifications with income below $3,052 per month or $36,620 per year. Enrollment fees for CHIP depend on family income, but are less than $50 each year. Doctor visits and prescription drugs are $3 to $10 each, according to the website in 2010. You must apply for CHIP and provide proof of expenses and income to qualify for children's health insurance.
- The highest income for a family of four to qualify for CHIP is $3,675 per month or $44,100 per year. In comparison, a family of four can make $1,838 a month or $22,050 a year to qualify for Medicaid.
- A family of five can make $4,299 montly or $51,580 yearly and may still qualify for CHIP insurance for the children.
- Income limits for a family of six may be as high as $4,922 a month or $59,060 a year.
- Anyone living with a child can apply for CHIP in Texas. CHIP covers preexisting conditions and mental health issues. It allows a choice of doctors and also covers dental care and eye examinations. CHIP covers special health needs for children as well. CHIP Prenatal provides health care for pregnant women or a single-parent family making $1,805 or less each month, or $21,660 annually. Perinatal coverage extends 12 months, insuring mother and child. The Texas Health Options website has more health insurance options if you cannot qualify for CHIP insurance.
Family of Two
Family of Three
Family of Four
Family of Five
Family of Six