What Is Twin Soul and Soul Mate?
There is a lot of confusion about twin souls and soul mates. Often these two terms are used synonymous. However, in actual they are not. In order to understand these terms properly, let's have a look.
Earlier, sparks or souls were mainly discharged from the godhead or source. These were determined to be human souls. There is a dispatch variation in each soul. These can be as lowest as few and can be as high as millions.
Generally the numbers are either in millions or hundreds. The numbers are primarily dependent upon the maturity of the souls and the major purposes of their journeys. The more the souls are matured are spiritually advanced the better they are; hence better will be their outburst number. The first timers are in millions and hundreds of thousands. This particular process has existed since immemorial.
The entire journey has a direct link to physical/ethic realm takes millions and thousands of years until they arrive at physical planets. During the first incarnation, the group had undergone into minerals and rocks.
The entire group of soul was created out of minerals like calcium and jade. They tend to remain in stock until they were upgraded to certain vegetations and were planted to smithereens and disintegrate. The life spans of these rocks took millions of years for formation.
Soul mates
Soul mates belong to unique group that were discharged millions of years ago. They cohered and got merged with ages as they descended through the entire realm down to the physical. The wiser and older groups stayed together for longer duration thereby sharing more characteristics when they were together.
They were imbibed through osmosis with number of peculiarities, tendencies, traits that resembled from one another. When 128souls are spread throughout the 7billion citizens of the globe, the chances of the soul mates to meet as per incarnation are fairly slim. From uncountable friends and acquaintances that one meets, there are hardly any that turn out as close friends. Just handful people are there who affect our lives. This is the way one meets soul mates.
Twin souls
Twin souls are basically last two souls that tend to individualize. They are basically last two peas that belong to the same pot. At the point of separation, they vow for getting reunited. They discharge all their earthly duties before crossing over the spiritual realm for ascending back the sources. The souls continue to remain fused together in one pod, the sexual gender they have is androgynous. It is neither female nor male.
It is only when after separation they finally take their basic genders. The basic gender will be repeated multiple times throughout their sojourns over earth. Once they are merged, they are reverted back to be androgynous.
When they are alone, whether on earth or in spiritual form, although they are either female or male, both consists the yin and yang elements. To assemble in other words, both comprise of male and female characteristics in both of them.
Earlier, sparks or souls were mainly discharged from the godhead or source. These were determined to be human souls. There is a dispatch variation in each soul. These can be as lowest as few and can be as high as millions.
Generally the numbers are either in millions or hundreds. The numbers are primarily dependent upon the maturity of the souls and the major purposes of their journeys. The more the souls are matured are spiritually advanced the better they are; hence better will be their outburst number. The first timers are in millions and hundreds of thousands. This particular process has existed since immemorial.
The entire journey has a direct link to physical/ethic realm takes millions and thousands of years until they arrive at physical planets. During the first incarnation, the group had undergone into minerals and rocks.
The entire group of soul was created out of minerals like calcium and jade. They tend to remain in stock until they were upgraded to certain vegetations and were planted to smithereens and disintegrate. The life spans of these rocks took millions of years for formation.
Soul mates
Soul mates belong to unique group that were discharged millions of years ago. They cohered and got merged with ages as they descended through the entire realm down to the physical. The wiser and older groups stayed together for longer duration thereby sharing more characteristics when they were together.
They were imbibed through osmosis with number of peculiarities, tendencies, traits that resembled from one another. When 128souls are spread throughout the 7billion citizens of the globe, the chances of the soul mates to meet as per incarnation are fairly slim. From uncountable friends and acquaintances that one meets, there are hardly any that turn out as close friends. Just handful people are there who affect our lives. This is the way one meets soul mates.
Twin souls
Twin souls are basically last two souls that tend to individualize. They are basically last two peas that belong to the same pot. At the point of separation, they vow for getting reunited. They discharge all their earthly duties before crossing over the spiritual realm for ascending back the sources. The souls continue to remain fused together in one pod, the sexual gender they have is androgynous. It is neither female nor male.
It is only when after separation they finally take their basic genders. The basic gender will be repeated multiple times throughout their sojourns over earth. Once they are merged, they are reverted back to be androgynous.
When they are alone, whether on earth or in spiritual form, although they are either female or male, both consists the yin and yang elements. To assemble in other words, both comprise of male and female characteristics in both of them.