Secrets Your Auto Insurance Agent Will Never Tell You
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Yeah, we've all heard that one.
Some of the best marketing in the history of pennsylvania auto insurance has hit the streets and you are the target.
You pay on time, you have great credit and a good driving record.
There may as well be a big bullseye painted on your chest because you are the #1 target of these marketing efforts.
Despite what you may have heard, there is no privacy in America today.
With a checkbook and the demographics they wish to target, insurance companies and everyone else has your personal information available to them in a nanosecond.
Good, bad or indifferent it's a fact we all have to live with.
Yes, you can list your number on the "do not call" and that will help a little.
The real fact is that to get your attention today a marketer has to reach you at least 5 times with mail,probably dozens of times via television and countless other ways.
We are bombarded every day to the tune of thousands of marketing messages.
back to Pennsylvania auto insurance.
If you take a minute to research the Pennsylvania insurance departments website, you can look at a comparison of the top 20 or so companies in your county in a sample rate comparison.
This is not a waste of time.
Look at the top companies and then look at the ones you've never heard of.
there's a big difference in the rates now isn't there? Many of the top companies have an advertising budget that would get this struggling economy on it's feet again.
You can guess where that money is coming from.
It's many times the companies that you haven't heard of that are offering some of the best bargains.
These same companies are so busy with referrals that they don't need to advertise.
Many of these carriers have a corporate philosophy of strictly marketing by word of mouth.
No, they probably don't ring a bell when their name is mentioned in the average household, but what is more important? I think that finding a solid company that is well respected, profitable and user friendly is what many of us would be thrilled to have.
Get a few rate comparisons from online or a local agent and see what name floats to the top.
Then check to see if they offer the percs that you'd love to add to your policy.
Now you're on track to making something happen.
If you've chosen a "regional" company you'll find that their rates tend to be much more stable when all the big names are raising rates.
If you've chosen a company with a sound financial foundation and a history of good client satisfaction you've conquered another struggle.
Now find an agent who is trustworthy, experienced and has a good track record and you've reached the home stretch.
Yeah, we've all heard that one.
Some of the best marketing in the history of pennsylvania auto insurance has hit the streets and you are the target.
You pay on time, you have great credit and a good driving record.
There may as well be a big bullseye painted on your chest because you are the #1 target of these marketing efforts.
Despite what you may have heard, there is no privacy in America today.
With a checkbook and the demographics they wish to target, insurance companies and everyone else has your personal information available to them in a nanosecond.
Good, bad or indifferent it's a fact we all have to live with.
Yes, you can list your number on the "do not call" and that will help a little.
The real fact is that to get your attention today a marketer has to reach you at least 5 times with mail,probably dozens of times via television and countless other ways.
We are bombarded every day to the tune of thousands of marketing messages.
back to Pennsylvania auto insurance.
If you take a minute to research the Pennsylvania insurance departments website, you can look at a comparison of the top 20 or so companies in your county in a sample rate comparison.
This is not a waste of time.
Look at the top companies and then look at the ones you've never heard of.
there's a big difference in the rates now isn't there? Many of the top companies have an advertising budget that would get this struggling economy on it's feet again.
You can guess where that money is coming from.
It's many times the companies that you haven't heard of that are offering some of the best bargains.
These same companies are so busy with referrals that they don't need to advertise.
Many of these carriers have a corporate philosophy of strictly marketing by word of mouth.
No, they probably don't ring a bell when their name is mentioned in the average household, but what is more important? I think that finding a solid company that is well respected, profitable and user friendly is what many of us would be thrilled to have.
Get a few rate comparisons from online or a local agent and see what name floats to the top.
Then check to see if they offer the percs that you'd love to add to your policy.
Now you're on track to making something happen.
If you've chosen a "regional" company you'll find that their rates tend to be much more stable when all the big names are raising rates.
If you've chosen a company with a sound financial foundation and a history of good client satisfaction you've conquered another struggle.
Now find an agent who is trustworthy, experienced and has a good track record and you've reached the home stretch.