How Much Can You Earn as a Weight Loss Class Manager?
- Dietitians and nutritionists are often in charge of weight management programs. To be a nutritionist you need at least a bachelor's degree in a related area, such as dietetics. In addition, there are laws requiring licensing, statutory certification or registration in 46 states. You may also be expected to complete a certain number of hours of further education every year to maintain your certification. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported in 2010 that dieticians and nutritionists make an average of $54,340 a year. By contrast, the American Council on Exercise reported in the same year that ACE-certified lifestyle and weight management coaches with some college education earn $41,615 annually. If they have completed a bachelor's degree, their average salary increases by 24 percent, to $51,428 per year.
- Average annual income varies by state and city due to demand for weight loss specialists and local cost of living. According to the BLS, nutritionists have the highest salaries in Maryland ($77,010), Hawaii ($66,010) and California ($65,020). Mississippi has the lowest annual salary, at $44,650. Weight reduction specialists achieve lower salaries in general, averaging $39,778 in Arizona, and just $29,162 in Tennessee, as reported by Salary Expert.
- The BLS 2010 report shows that Bethesda-Frederick-Gaithersburg in Maryland is the highest-paying metropolitan area for nutritionists, at $93,170. At just $37,480 per year, Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana is one of the lowest paying cities. For weight reduction specialists, Salary Expert reports average annual salaries of $41,963 in Manhattan, New York, and $29,991 in Atlanta, Georgia.
- The workplace for a weight loss specialist depends on the type of weight loss program. Usually, weight loss centers employ weight reduction specialists or weight management coaches to help overweight people lose weight through diet and exercise. Nutritionists and dieticians may work in outpatient clinics designing individualized programs for weight control for people with illnesses, such as diabetes. Hospitals will have nutritionists and dieticians specialized in helping morbidly obese people recover from and maintain weight loss following bariatric or esthetic surgery.
- According to BLS statistics from 2010, nutritionists and dieticians who work in outpatient care centers earn $56,180 on average, while those who work at general medical and surgical hospitals have an average income of $54,290. Those who work in health and personal care stores make $65,560. The American Dietetic Association has also set an average income of $64,002 for professionals in food and nutrition management, and $60,008 for consultants and private businesses. Weight reduction specialists or weight management coaches usually earn less, although this depends on education and location.
Education and Weight Loss Specialist Salaries
Income According to State
Income According to City
Weight Loss Management Facilities
Income According to Weight Loss Facility