Good Fundraising Ideas
Good fundraising ideas start at Hip Chix Fundraisers. It's perfect for women's charity fundraisers, cheerleading fundraisers and really anyone looking for an easy fundraising idea! Here's how Hip Chix works... Show a few people on your team the Hip Chix site. Once you're in agreement that Hip Chix is the coolest fundraising idea around, call us and we'll handle the rest!
The predefined email we send you will explain that all purchases through your unique link will be traced back to your team's fundraiser and 40% of all the sales will go back to your team. All fundraisers which produce $2,000 or more in total sales will receive an additional 10% bringing their total earnings to 50%!
Friends and family will click on the link and have full access to the Hip Chix website and shopping cart. They can then securely purchase items via the internet and 40% (or 50% depending on sales) of all sales will go to the team holding the fundraiser. A check will be mailed within two weeks of the close of the fundraiser to the team leader.
Hip Chix will ship all orders direct to the person who made the purchase, so there is no worry about the leader or the team distributing products.
Each leader who signs up for a fundraiser will be provided with a user ID and Password so they can login at any time to watch how the fundraiser is progressing. You will have direct access at all times to see your groups total sales.
Fundraising truly doesn't get any easier than this. Now friends and family near and far can participate and we do all the deliveries for you. Your group can sit back and wait for their check. And, Hip Chix is so unique everyone will love it!
This is your easy online fundraiser idea!
The predefined email we send you will explain that all purchases through your unique link will be traced back to your team's fundraiser and 40% of all the sales will go back to your team. All fundraisers which produce $2,000 or more in total sales will receive an additional 10% bringing their total earnings to 50%!
Friends and family will click on the link and have full access to the Hip Chix website and shopping cart. They can then securely purchase items via the internet and 40% (or 50% depending on sales) of all sales will go to the team holding the fundraiser. A check will be mailed within two weeks of the close of the fundraiser to the team leader.
Hip Chix will ship all orders direct to the person who made the purchase, so there is no worry about the leader or the team distributing products.
Each leader who signs up for a fundraiser will be provided with a user ID and Password so they can login at any time to watch how the fundraiser is progressing. You will have direct access at all times to see your groups total sales.
Fundraising truly doesn't get any easier than this. Now friends and family near and far can participate and we do all the deliveries for you. Your group can sit back and wait for their check. And, Hip Chix is so unique everyone will love it!
This is your easy online fundraiser idea!