5 Reasons You WILL Fail At Blogging!
There are over 100,000,000 blogs in the world.
That's right over 100 million! That is a lot of bloggers and I bet less than .
001 percent of them are making over $100 a month from their blog.
And here is 5 reasons why you are one of the 99.
You 're A Quitter! It will all get to hard for you.
When your traffic doesn't grow as fast as you want and your subscriber count drops, when you get tired of making $0.
10 a day of from your AdSense ads (if you even make that much), you will chuck in the towel and quit thinking that there is no way you can make good money from blogging.
You're a Copycat! You are to lazy to spend even 15 minutes thinking up a creative blog post that will actually give your visitors a reason to stay and your subscribers a reason not to leave that you just join with the 100's of other lazy bloggers and just post about whatever John Chow or Darren Rowse post about.
Why? Cause it is easy and doesn't take effort, and making money online is supposed to be easy right? 3.
You are Just Plain Greedy! I bet you are one of those bloggers that started the blogging journey by installing wordpress and then adding AdSense and a plethera of other advertising widgets and affiliate links - before you even changed from the standard theme.
You don't care about providing quality content for your visitors and subscribers because it is all about making a quick buck.
Your Content Sucks! Finally you have written a unique post.
You are getting all excited because of all the traffic you are going to get from it - but you get one visitor from your signature link in a forum and even your 2 subscribers don't even bother reading.
Why? Because your post was boring.
Ever thought that people subscribe to your blog because they want your opinionnot a review that looks at things from boths sides and is just a wishy washy piece of trash? 5.
You Are Too Cool For School! You don't need to network, right? You can be a success on your own so why waste time getting to know your fellow bloggers and building relationships? I mean you are much to busy filling your posts with affiliate links to bother about building relationships that could open up opportunies.
You are too busy tweaking your AdSense so people accidentally click it instead of reading other blogs and learning more about your niche - from someone who may actually know more about it than you.
That's right over 100 million! That is a lot of bloggers and I bet less than .
001 percent of them are making over $100 a month from their blog.
And here is 5 reasons why you are one of the 99.
You 're A Quitter! It will all get to hard for you.
When your traffic doesn't grow as fast as you want and your subscriber count drops, when you get tired of making $0.
10 a day of from your AdSense ads (if you even make that much), you will chuck in the towel and quit thinking that there is no way you can make good money from blogging.
You're a Copycat! You are to lazy to spend even 15 minutes thinking up a creative blog post that will actually give your visitors a reason to stay and your subscribers a reason not to leave that you just join with the 100's of other lazy bloggers and just post about whatever John Chow or Darren Rowse post about.
Why? Cause it is easy and doesn't take effort, and making money online is supposed to be easy right? 3.
You are Just Plain Greedy! I bet you are one of those bloggers that started the blogging journey by installing wordpress and then adding AdSense and a plethera of other advertising widgets and affiliate links - before you even changed from the standard theme.
You don't care about providing quality content for your visitors and subscribers because it is all about making a quick buck.
Your Content Sucks! Finally you have written a unique post.
You are getting all excited because of all the traffic you are going to get from it - but you get one visitor from your signature link in a forum and even your 2 subscribers don't even bother reading.
Why? Because your post was boring.
Ever thought that people subscribe to your blog because they want your opinionnot a review that looks at things from boths sides and is just a wishy washy piece of trash? 5.
You Are Too Cool For School! You don't need to network, right? You can be a success on your own so why waste time getting to know your fellow bloggers and building relationships? I mean you are much to busy filling your posts with affiliate links to bother about building relationships that could open up opportunies.
You are too busy tweaking your AdSense so people accidentally click it instead of reading other blogs and learning more about your niche - from someone who may actually know more about it than you.