Where Can I Find Replacement Beaters for the Sunbeam Heritage Stand Mixer?
- Several designs of replacement beaters are available at Sunbeam.com.series object on white kitchen utensil - egg whisk image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com
Replacement beaters for the Sunbeam Heritage stand mixer come in several functional designs, including standard beaters, dough hooks, wire whisks and drink rods. Heritage models may vary in their inserted-end tip design requirements. - Whether mixing scrambled eggs or kneading bread dough, the mixer makes the job easier.Rising Bread 1 image by velvetjam from Fotolia.com
The Sunbeam Heritage mixer is designed for a variety of kitchen mixing tasks, from beating eggs for making omelets to kneading dough for baking bread. Each task uses specialized beaters to precisely blend and manipulate the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Be sure to select the appropriate beater for the task at hand. - Sunbeam Heritage series stand mixers vary by particular model number, and the replacement beaters may vary by model as well. Ensure your replacement beater selection is appropriate for your model. Websites other than sunbeam.com sell these replacement parts.