Need a Divorce? Have Little Money? Here"s the Answer
Divorce can be a difficult time. You can feel trapped and alone, seemingly with nowhere to turn. What some clients already KNOW is that now you have SOMEONE TO TURN TO, SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST - and you are NOT alone.
Little or no money and stuck in a finished marriage. That's the position many people find themselves in, and that's a problem. There is a good answer though.
Divorce in Arizona is a simple 3 step process through the Court system - and it will put you in charge of your divorce situation. You can act on your own behalf and answer some simple questions at the Court like, what's your name, address and phone number, is the marriage irretrievably broken, etc. After 10 minutes in the hearing, you'll be divorced. It's that simple.
If you need to modify or enforce your existing Divorce Decree re: Child Support, Visitation or Custody order from Maricopa County, again, It's a simple 3 step process. The VAST majority of all Maricopa County clients go through uncontested - that's it.
You can find someone who will Thrive on Providing Unsurpassed Customer Service to all their clients.
Most Document Preparers know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising; the largest part of their business is brought in by word of mouth from satisfied customers. They know what you are going through, and strive in every way possible to provide a No-Hassle process. When people have a chance to experience this No-Hassle Solution, they often express that they cannot believe how simple it is to get their life back or get a new lease on life - a fresh start.
You will know EXACTLY what it's going to cost up front. If you need follow-up documents, or even a shoulder to lean on while you put your life back in order, Document Preparers are here for you right through to the end.
Do you need an attorney? Well, if you can afford an attorney, you should hire one. If not, then there are good options for you in the private sector to help you interface with the Courts and take advantage of your legal rights. There is no need to stay stuck in a finished marriage.
Little or no money and stuck in a finished marriage. That's the position many people find themselves in, and that's a problem. There is a good answer though.
Divorce in Arizona is a simple 3 step process through the Court system - and it will put you in charge of your divorce situation. You can act on your own behalf and answer some simple questions at the Court like, what's your name, address and phone number, is the marriage irretrievably broken, etc. After 10 minutes in the hearing, you'll be divorced. It's that simple.
If you need to modify or enforce your existing Divorce Decree re: Child Support, Visitation or Custody order from Maricopa County, again, It's a simple 3 step process. The VAST majority of all Maricopa County clients go through uncontested - that's it.
You can find someone who will Thrive on Providing Unsurpassed Customer Service to all their clients.
Most Document Preparers know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising; the largest part of their business is brought in by word of mouth from satisfied customers. They know what you are going through, and strive in every way possible to provide a No-Hassle process. When people have a chance to experience this No-Hassle Solution, they often express that they cannot believe how simple it is to get their life back or get a new lease on life - a fresh start.
You will know EXACTLY what it's going to cost up front. If you need follow-up documents, or even a shoulder to lean on while you put your life back in order, Document Preparers are here for you right through to the end.
Do you need an attorney? Well, if you can afford an attorney, you should hire one. If not, then there are good options for you in the private sector to help you interface with the Courts and take advantage of your legal rights. There is no need to stay stuck in a finished marriage.