Marketing Tips For Actors - The Most Crucial 30 Seconds of Your Career
Before you enter a room to meet an agent, audition for a casting director, interview with the producer of the film, greet the star of the film (who decides if you're going to play opposite him) or just have coffee and chat with the writer of the TV series you need to really prepare.
Prepare what and why is this so important? Prepare how to make an entrance.
The energy you bring into the room tells everyone immediately where you're at.
Are you frightened, self-conscious, depressed, unfocused, your brain buzzing with all the negative outcomes? OR do you exude confidence, happiness, joy, warmth, sex appeal, delight...
passion? Even if you are auditioning with a "dark" piece, a script full of depression and fear you still want to make an entrance that sells you, that says you are likable, fun to be with, great to work with and are enjoying the moment.
That is your audition.
It's over by the time you get to the monologue you memorized and on which you worked hours with your acting coach or the cold copy script they hand you.
The decision to hire you has already been made.
Getting a job as an actor isn't always about the audition.
It's about connecting with the other person.
People hire people they like, know and trust, instinctively and in the first 10-30 seconds.
If there's no one in their current circle of friends and professional contacts who is right for a role and they haven't cast a star, they seek the first person with whom they are comfortable, is appropriate for the role AND can do the work - in that order! So if most people decide to hire you in the first 10 -30 seconds...
after your entrance, you've got 20 seconds more to go.
Spend those 20 seconds being yourself - the most likable you possible! The audition is the final determining factor NOT the first cut.
Human nature.
We all go with what's comfortable, familiar and pleasant.
So, your job as an actor is to create an "aura" of positive energy-calm and peaceful or charming and full of enthusiasm before you enter a room.
Stop and visualize something that delights you.
Think about a dream vacation you've always wanted, someone with whom you are in love, working opposite your favorite actor in your "ideal" film -whatever motivates you to feel excited and joyous.
Just about the time a smile comes to your face and a great bubbly energy is rising upward within you, open the door.
Walk in and introduce yourself.
You'll probably book the job! Successful Auditioning!
Prepare what and why is this so important? Prepare how to make an entrance.
The energy you bring into the room tells everyone immediately where you're at.
Are you frightened, self-conscious, depressed, unfocused, your brain buzzing with all the negative outcomes? OR do you exude confidence, happiness, joy, warmth, sex appeal, delight...
passion? Even if you are auditioning with a "dark" piece, a script full of depression and fear you still want to make an entrance that sells you, that says you are likable, fun to be with, great to work with and are enjoying the moment.
That is your audition.
It's over by the time you get to the monologue you memorized and on which you worked hours with your acting coach or the cold copy script they hand you.
The decision to hire you has already been made.
Getting a job as an actor isn't always about the audition.
It's about connecting with the other person.
People hire people they like, know and trust, instinctively and in the first 10-30 seconds.
If there's no one in their current circle of friends and professional contacts who is right for a role and they haven't cast a star, they seek the first person with whom they are comfortable, is appropriate for the role AND can do the work - in that order! So if most people decide to hire you in the first 10 -30 seconds...
after your entrance, you've got 20 seconds more to go.
Spend those 20 seconds being yourself - the most likable you possible! The audition is the final determining factor NOT the first cut.
Human nature.
We all go with what's comfortable, familiar and pleasant.
So, your job as an actor is to create an "aura" of positive energy-calm and peaceful or charming and full of enthusiasm before you enter a room.
Stop and visualize something that delights you.
Think about a dream vacation you've always wanted, someone with whom you are in love, working opposite your favorite actor in your "ideal" film -whatever motivates you to feel excited and joyous.
Just about the time a smile comes to your face and a great bubbly energy is rising upward within you, open the door.
Walk in and introduce yourself.
You'll probably book the job! Successful Auditioning!