Home Remedies for Removing Bats
- Bats are the only mammal that can fly.more bats 44. image by mdb from Fotolia.com
Traps and pesticides are illegal to use against bats in most states, but when faced with a bat invasion of your home, you may be desperate to find a solution. Bats carry diseases such as rabies that can be fatal to pets and to humans. If you encounter a bat within your home, do not handle it without gloves or other protective safety gear. If a bat bites or scratches you, you should seek medical attention immediately. - Locate any openings in your home which might give access to bats. Keep in mind that bats can wiggle into very small holes or access points, so no opening is too small to seal off. Once you locate entry points, hang netted fabric over the openings. Seal three sides of the fabric's edges, but leave one side open so that the bats can escape. This type of temporary seal allows the bats to leave, but not to re-enter. Once you are certain that the bats have all left, take down the netted fabric and completely seal the opening. Bats will not gnaw holes into wood as other rodents will, but you need to be thorough when sealing the openings.
- One of the main reasons bats seek entry to human dwellings is the lack of adequate nesting area. If you provide an easy means for them to nest in a sheltered location, they are far less likely to invade your attic or home. You can purchase a bat house prefabricated, or you can purchase plans and build one yourself. A bat house is a complex series of internal chambers designed to trap the heat of the day and provide bats with the space they need in order to nest happily. The best place to situate your bat house is in an area which will receive full sun for a large part of the daylight hours.
Seal Openings
Bat Houses