Facts About Protein and Lean Body Meal Replacement
You might often hear that gym goers are taking different kinds of supplements to boost muscle growth.
They are taking protein supplements most especially.
You heard it right.
And one of the popular products for protein supplement is the Lean Body Meal Replacement.
Lean Body Meal Replacement is equipped with high protein and nutrients to give you nourishment.
This supplement is especially developed for individuals who want to bulk up and busy people who barely have time to eat.
What is protein's role in muscle-building? Along with exercise and workout, protein plays a vital part in achieving muscle mass.
Your muscles are part water and part amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
An important thing to remember if you want to bulk up is this: exercise has profound effects on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown.
This means that exercise/workouts are useless without protein intake if you want to have leaner muscles.
Without protein intake during workouts, your body will use up its stored protein most specifically those in your muscles.
You will be surprised that you will get the opposite instead of gaining mass.
Basing from this fact, a high protein intake is a vital requirement to be paired with exercise and workout.
What can you get from Lean Body Meal Replacement? Lean Body Meal Replacement offers you a high protein supplement to help you achieve an improved muscle growth.
It also has a low-fat content.
Why not fat-free at all? It is because fat also has its role in muscle growth indirectly.
It stimulates the production of testosterone, a hormone that aids in muscle growth and development.
If you can remember from your science lessons, testosterone hormone surges up during the male puberty stage and during this stage the male secondary sex characteristics began to appear like voice changes, sudden increase in height and the growth of facial, axillary and pubic hairs.
You can also observe that male teens will have muscular bodies provided that they have no excess body fats.
This muscle development is the result of increased testosterone production.
Lean Body also contains carbohydrates to give you energy.
Exercises/workouts requires energy especially that you will be doing weight lifting to develop your muscles.
It also has L-Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in muscle cells.
Calcium is also one of its contents for strong bones.
Other nutrients also include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and numerous other nutrients.
Vitamins are also essential to replace the stored vitamins lost during workouts.
Workouts alone will give you slower muscle growth.
It must be paired with supplements especially those that are high in protein for improved and faster outcome.
Do not also forget to constantly hydrate yourself with fluids because high protein intake could contribute to dehydration.
You must also have the intense desire, the discipline and the determination to achieve your goals.
Your attitude and endurance is what counts most for a successful workout.
They are taking protein supplements most especially.
You heard it right.
And one of the popular products for protein supplement is the Lean Body Meal Replacement.
Lean Body Meal Replacement is equipped with high protein and nutrients to give you nourishment.
This supplement is especially developed for individuals who want to bulk up and busy people who barely have time to eat.
What is protein's role in muscle-building? Along with exercise and workout, protein plays a vital part in achieving muscle mass.
Your muscles are part water and part amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
An important thing to remember if you want to bulk up is this: exercise has profound effects on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown.
This means that exercise/workouts are useless without protein intake if you want to have leaner muscles.
Without protein intake during workouts, your body will use up its stored protein most specifically those in your muscles.
You will be surprised that you will get the opposite instead of gaining mass.
Basing from this fact, a high protein intake is a vital requirement to be paired with exercise and workout.
What can you get from Lean Body Meal Replacement? Lean Body Meal Replacement offers you a high protein supplement to help you achieve an improved muscle growth.
It also has a low-fat content.
Why not fat-free at all? It is because fat also has its role in muscle growth indirectly.
It stimulates the production of testosterone, a hormone that aids in muscle growth and development.
If you can remember from your science lessons, testosterone hormone surges up during the male puberty stage and during this stage the male secondary sex characteristics began to appear like voice changes, sudden increase in height and the growth of facial, axillary and pubic hairs.
You can also observe that male teens will have muscular bodies provided that they have no excess body fats.
This muscle development is the result of increased testosterone production.
Lean Body also contains carbohydrates to give you energy.
Exercises/workouts requires energy especially that you will be doing weight lifting to develop your muscles.
It also has L-Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in muscle cells.
Calcium is also one of its contents for strong bones.
Other nutrients also include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and numerous other nutrients.
Vitamins are also essential to replace the stored vitamins lost during workouts.
Workouts alone will give you slower muscle growth.
It must be paired with supplements especially those that are high in protein for improved and faster outcome.
Do not also forget to constantly hydrate yourself with fluids because high protein intake could contribute to dehydration.
You must also have the intense desire, the discipline and the determination to achieve your goals.
Your attitude and endurance is what counts most for a successful workout.