Foods Containing Good Cholesterol
- According to the American Heart Association, 98.6 million Americans have a total cholesterol above 200 and of those, 34.4 million have levels 240 or higher. From 200 to 239 is considered borderline high risk and 240 or above is high.
- Eating foods that contain good cholesterol raises HDL levels and lowers LDL levels. This will reduce risk factors for heart disease.
- Salad with avocado
Foods that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contain good cholesterol. Olive oil, canola oil, nuts and avocados are examples. - Omega-3 fatty acids also help to improve the LDL and HDL levels. Foods that contain this healthy fat include salmon, herring, mackerel and tuna. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating fish two to three times a week.
- Dietary fiber helps lower cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the body. Foods that contain fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes and psyllium.
- When eating out, ask how food is prepared. Even though salmon and tuna are good for you, they are often cooked in butter and added oils.