Your Spouse Might Be Cheating on You - Warning Signs to Look For
You have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something is just not right, but just don't know what it is.
Your spouse has become distant and has starting working late or spending a lot of time away from home.
You have started to suspect that there may be something going on but when you confront him/her with your concerns they just deny it.
The signs are there that they are doing something behind your back, but this is not exactly proof.
Here are some things to watch out for.
They say "I love you, I'm just not in love with you" If they say this to you this is a big warning sign.
This is something said by a lot of cheating spouses.
Your spouse may love you but these new feeling they have for someone else may be clouding their judgment and can cause them to do things behind your back.
They are suddenly wanting more privacy If your spouse suddenly wants to hide things from you that you used to share with each other, then something is probably going on.
If they start to password protect their computer or hide cell phone bills or credit card bills this is a red flag.
They are making secretive phone calls If your spouse has started hanging up the phone when you enter the room or deleting numbers on their cell phone, you might want to check your phone records.
You just have a feeling If you find yourself trying to convince yourself that your spouse would never cheat or that their behavior is not that different, this is a warning sign too.
Don't ignore your intuition, this can be one of the best indicators that something is just wrong.
Trust your instincts but also try to get proof.
Your spouse has become distant and has starting working late or spending a lot of time away from home.
You have started to suspect that there may be something going on but when you confront him/her with your concerns they just deny it.
The signs are there that they are doing something behind your back, but this is not exactly proof.
Here are some things to watch out for.
They say "I love you, I'm just not in love with you" If they say this to you this is a big warning sign.
This is something said by a lot of cheating spouses.
Your spouse may love you but these new feeling they have for someone else may be clouding their judgment and can cause them to do things behind your back.
They are suddenly wanting more privacy If your spouse suddenly wants to hide things from you that you used to share with each other, then something is probably going on.
If they start to password protect their computer or hide cell phone bills or credit card bills this is a red flag.
They are making secretive phone calls If your spouse has started hanging up the phone when you enter the room or deleting numbers on their cell phone, you might want to check your phone records.
You just have a feeling If you find yourself trying to convince yourself that your spouse would never cheat or that their behavior is not that different, this is a warning sign too.
Don't ignore your intuition, this can be one of the best indicators that something is just wrong.
Trust your instincts but also try to get proof.