Adonis Golden Ratio Review - Does It Work?
Hi there, Brad here, and I want to tell you about the Adonis Golden Ratio, an exercise program I purchased online. I was looking for a way to get more fit, and while I had tried a number of different exercise and supplement programs, I wasn't quite getting the results I was looking for. So then I actually took some time to think about what those results I was after really were, and it occurred to me that the problem was there was a specific shape I was after. I'd seen it a number of times in athletic man I admired. It turned out there's a name for it: the Adonis Golden Ratio. And there was an eBook training system I could purchase that would help me to achieve that exact shape.
What is the Adonis Golden Ratio System?
The Adonis Golden Ratio takes its name from the Greek god Adonis, who was the male deity of desire. As you might gather, the Adonis Golden Ratio refers to that body type that is so familiar to most of us from classical sculptures and artwork, what most men and women think of as the beacon of male physical perfection. The Adonis Golden Ratio system was developed by a scientist named John Barban, who is an expert consultant on supplements.
What's Included?
First off, the program is free if it doesn't work; you get a full 60 days to try it out, and if you don't get great results, you get a full refund. This was one of the things that made me feel secure purchasing yet another exercise program. After having used so many that didn't work for me, I wouldn't have bought another if I didn't feel confident about it.
Included is the Adonis Golden Ratio Training Program, a guide which teaches you how to produce more human growth hormone (this helps you to boost muscle growth and lose fat), exercises that actually make things worse (by bulking you out in the wrong places), and 78 advanced video lessons. Since this is a fully comprehensive system, you also get the Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition Program, which helps you optimize your eating plan based on your body type, height, and weight.
And of course, since John Barban is an expert in supplements, the guide wouldn't be complete without Adonis Golden Ratio Supplementation. Barban doesn't actually tell you that you have to go out and buy supplements (which was comforting to me, since I am on a bit of a budget), but he does make several key recommendations for those who want to speed up their progress toward the ideal male physique.
There are several bonuses included with the program, The Adonis Abs and Arms Assault, a four week program for sculpting your arms, Adonis Unlimited Upgrades (lifetime support if John makes any new breakthroughs), and 7 Days Out by fitness expert Kyle Leon.
Did It Work?
Well, I have to start out by telling you that I had a long journey ahead of me when I ordered the program, and I knew that. And you have to be very diligent to see results! I was less than diligent for the first few weeks, and then I realized that was probably affecting my results adversely. So I got myself disciplined, and gave it another go, and I am happy to say I noticed enough of a change by the time the 60 days expired that I knew the system worked.
A few months later and I was starting to look a lot different in the mirror. One thing you should understand about this system is that it isn't geared specifically at weight loss or bulking out as goals in and of themselves. Rather it aims at doing a combination of each in such a way that you can achieve the Adonis Golden Ratio body type, which is more of a shape than a set of measurements on the scale. That said, I did lose about 20 pounds within three months, and I also was able to bench more than I had been able to in the past. About six months down the road, I was able to take my measurements and discover I was honing in on that ratio of perfection.
It's been a year now since I purchased the Adonis Golden Ratio. I now can show off a pretty impressive before-and-after photo, and a lot of people are surprised when they see what I used to look like. With this program you target specific muscle groups, which is how you achieve that ideal shape. It's a very clever idea, and it really does work if you are diligent about it. Now, it should be pointed out that there is no way you can really ever have the perfect body. If you have unrealistic expectations, you're going to be disappointed (and you probably need to work a bit on your self-esteem). But can you move closer to your ideal? With time and effort and the help of the Adonis Golden Ratio system, yes.
The other aspect of the Adonis Golden Ratio program is the social results of getting the ideal male physique. This physique is so uncommon (just watch guys walking down the street in the city for an hour and you'll realize this) that when people see anything even resembling it, they notice. The program promises that €women will love you and men will fear you.€ I can't say that the results I got were this dramatic, but I did notice that the way people looked at me changed, and that there was a certain amount of admiration that wasn't there before.
Once again, this is about having realistic expectations. Juts as no program can grant you the perfect body, having a great body can't by itself make you popular or accepted. But having a body closer to your ideal (and the ideal of others) can certainly help you build up your confidence, which in turn can help you garner social acceptance. If you have realistic expectations and you're highly disciplined, you can achieve great results with the Adonis Golden Ratio.
====>Download Adonis Golden Ratio Now<====
What is the Adonis Golden Ratio System?
The Adonis Golden Ratio takes its name from the Greek god Adonis, who was the male deity of desire. As you might gather, the Adonis Golden Ratio refers to that body type that is so familiar to most of us from classical sculptures and artwork, what most men and women think of as the beacon of male physical perfection. The Adonis Golden Ratio system was developed by a scientist named John Barban, who is an expert consultant on supplements.
What's Included?
First off, the program is free if it doesn't work; you get a full 60 days to try it out, and if you don't get great results, you get a full refund. This was one of the things that made me feel secure purchasing yet another exercise program. After having used so many that didn't work for me, I wouldn't have bought another if I didn't feel confident about it.
Included is the Adonis Golden Ratio Training Program, a guide which teaches you how to produce more human growth hormone (this helps you to boost muscle growth and lose fat), exercises that actually make things worse (by bulking you out in the wrong places), and 78 advanced video lessons. Since this is a fully comprehensive system, you also get the Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition Program, which helps you optimize your eating plan based on your body type, height, and weight.
And of course, since John Barban is an expert in supplements, the guide wouldn't be complete without Adonis Golden Ratio Supplementation. Barban doesn't actually tell you that you have to go out and buy supplements (which was comforting to me, since I am on a bit of a budget), but he does make several key recommendations for those who want to speed up their progress toward the ideal male physique.
There are several bonuses included with the program, The Adonis Abs and Arms Assault, a four week program for sculpting your arms, Adonis Unlimited Upgrades (lifetime support if John makes any new breakthroughs), and 7 Days Out by fitness expert Kyle Leon.
Did It Work?
Well, I have to start out by telling you that I had a long journey ahead of me when I ordered the program, and I knew that. And you have to be very diligent to see results! I was less than diligent for the first few weeks, and then I realized that was probably affecting my results adversely. So I got myself disciplined, and gave it another go, and I am happy to say I noticed enough of a change by the time the 60 days expired that I knew the system worked.
A few months later and I was starting to look a lot different in the mirror. One thing you should understand about this system is that it isn't geared specifically at weight loss or bulking out as goals in and of themselves. Rather it aims at doing a combination of each in such a way that you can achieve the Adonis Golden Ratio body type, which is more of a shape than a set of measurements on the scale. That said, I did lose about 20 pounds within three months, and I also was able to bench more than I had been able to in the past. About six months down the road, I was able to take my measurements and discover I was honing in on that ratio of perfection.
It's been a year now since I purchased the Adonis Golden Ratio. I now can show off a pretty impressive before-and-after photo, and a lot of people are surprised when they see what I used to look like. With this program you target specific muscle groups, which is how you achieve that ideal shape. It's a very clever idea, and it really does work if you are diligent about it. Now, it should be pointed out that there is no way you can really ever have the perfect body. If you have unrealistic expectations, you're going to be disappointed (and you probably need to work a bit on your self-esteem). But can you move closer to your ideal? With time and effort and the help of the Adonis Golden Ratio system, yes.
The other aspect of the Adonis Golden Ratio program is the social results of getting the ideal male physique. This physique is so uncommon (just watch guys walking down the street in the city for an hour and you'll realize this) that when people see anything even resembling it, they notice. The program promises that €women will love you and men will fear you.€ I can't say that the results I got were this dramatic, but I did notice that the way people looked at me changed, and that there was a certain amount of admiration that wasn't there before.
Once again, this is about having realistic expectations. Juts as no program can grant you the perfect body, having a great body can't by itself make you popular or accepted. But having a body closer to your ideal (and the ideal of others) can certainly help you build up your confidence, which in turn can help you garner social acceptance. If you have realistic expectations and you're highly disciplined, you can achieve great results with the Adonis Golden Ratio.
====>Download Adonis Golden Ratio Now<====