What Is the Purpose of a Whirligig?
- Merriam-Webster's primary definition of whirligig is "a child's toy having a whirling motion" and says the word comes from two roots meaning "whirl" and "top." In that sense, tops, pinwheels and even yo-yos could be classified as whirligigs. However, for many people the term whirligig refers to a type of wind lawn ornament or roof fixture that has moving parts typically set in motion by the wind, but may be hand operated or motor driven as well and may also serve as wind vanes.
- The word origin dates back to the 15th century, so some form of whirligig must have been present in English speaking lands at that early date, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. They became popular in Appalachia in the mid 1800s and survive well into the 21th Century, though mostly as mass-produced items in a general commercial market. Antique whirligigs are highly collectible, but given the limited lifespan of the materials and exposure to weather over time, few old whirligigs survive.
- Most outdoor whirligigs are designed to interact with the wind and commonly act as wind vanes, showing the direction of the wind. The also indicate the wind speed since the faster the wind is blowing the faster the parts move. The motion of the whirligig and the sounds the motion produces are advantageous to gardeners who want to keep large pests like deer, dogs and birds out of their gardens.
- The whirligig became popular in rural areas of the United States because they added color and fun to lives that were often filled with hard labor. Most whirligigs are colorful and fanciful as a result. Folk art whirligigs from the late 19th and early 20th century have become very collectible. In fact, in 1998, the Skinner Gallery in Boston sold an Uncle Sam whirligig at auction for more than $12,000.
- The subjects that inspire whirligig production are widely varied, but outdoor whirligigs tend to depict flowers, people and animals, often in interaction. Another theme is soldiers and sailors. Commonly, the body and head are one carved piece of wood while the arms move in the wind. In that sense the whirligigs represented the lives of the people who made or purchased them.
- Most whirligigs produced in the 21st century are lawn art spinners produced in factories, largely in China, out of plastic, nylon or pressed metal.
Practical Functions
Folk Art
Subject Matter
Mass Production