The One Thing You Need to Know About Having a Winning Standard in Sports and Fitness
Do you have any kind of behaviour or activity that in your life you not only do consistently, but you do with a specific level of quality that you feel is important to perform at? In other words, do you have high standards on certain activities in your life? A standard is a powerful thing.
It has a way of keeping you on track and stepping up your game.
In fitness, sports and in life.
What is a standard really? There are 2 ways of viewing a standard.
A) A level of performance or quality that we should be aiming and pushing for.
B) A level of performance or quality that you feel strongly about and are naturally aligned to obtain or maintain.
Both views, in my opinion are correct.
However, I have a preference for view B, and here's why.
It starts WITH a level of performance or quality that you feel strongly about.
Which means this kind of standard comes from something that's already aligned with your values, as oppose to view A which is something you have to push for.
The performance or quality is not already a natural part of your values and therefore, it invokes the sense of strain that you have to become something your not already.
How does this applies in fitness? Rather than pushing for a standard of exercising, training or working out that isn't already your standard, but actually someone else's, it's best to cultivate that standard from where you are right now.
What if your just starting out? How do you hold a standard that you haven't demonstrated yet? A genuine standard for a level of performance or quality in your fitness, strength or sports training isn't based on what you usually do, but actually on what you genuinely wish to be able to do.
If you have a genuine desire to reach a certain level of performance or execution in the sport or physical activity of your dreams, the options, training programs and regimes that present themselves as the next step in you development, then these are the genuine standards that will drive you as long as they're inspired and not imposed.
I'll leave you with one caveat.
And that is, though I've raved about view B on standards, view A has its place now and again.
Like if your training hard for a comp and being pushed by a coach, trainer or instructor.
Then, it might feel imposed but even then, you wouldn't allow it if you didn't value it genuinely for your own progress on some level.
Stand hard by your standard in training and exercise and it will keep you on track and in the game.
Inspired by fitness, Clinton Boucheix CPT
It has a way of keeping you on track and stepping up your game.
In fitness, sports and in life.
What is a standard really? There are 2 ways of viewing a standard.
A) A level of performance or quality that we should be aiming and pushing for.
B) A level of performance or quality that you feel strongly about and are naturally aligned to obtain or maintain.
Both views, in my opinion are correct.
However, I have a preference for view B, and here's why.
It starts WITH a level of performance or quality that you feel strongly about.
Which means this kind of standard comes from something that's already aligned with your values, as oppose to view A which is something you have to push for.
The performance or quality is not already a natural part of your values and therefore, it invokes the sense of strain that you have to become something your not already.
How does this applies in fitness? Rather than pushing for a standard of exercising, training or working out that isn't already your standard, but actually someone else's, it's best to cultivate that standard from where you are right now.
What if your just starting out? How do you hold a standard that you haven't demonstrated yet? A genuine standard for a level of performance or quality in your fitness, strength or sports training isn't based on what you usually do, but actually on what you genuinely wish to be able to do.
If you have a genuine desire to reach a certain level of performance or execution in the sport or physical activity of your dreams, the options, training programs and regimes that present themselves as the next step in you development, then these are the genuine standards that will drive you as long as they're inspired and not imposed.
I'll leave you with one caveat.
And that is, though I've raved about view B on standards, view A has its place now and again.
Like if your training hard for a comp and being pushed by a coach, trainer or instructor.
Then, it might feel imposed but even then, you wouldn't allow it if you didn't value it genuinely for your own progress on some level.
Stand hard by your standard in training and exercise and it will keep you on track and in the game.
Inspired by fitness, Clinton Boucheix CPT