Students and the 21st Century
What a wonderful time in history to be a college student! There are many wonderful things that are happening in the world today that as a student you can study.
You have the capabilities supplied to you by some of the finest Universities in nation to study things of interest such as: oOceanography things that in the oceans and seas that no one has ever seen or heard about in the past centuries.
There are mini subs to take you to the bottom of the ocean and there are many different types of instruments that you can use to explore the animals and the things that the ocean has to offer.
oYou can study earth and all the inhabitants by traveling to different countries, or simply staying in a lab with the ability to access what you need to know with a computer.
You can find out about global warming, people, tree's, inventions, just about anything of interest to you.
oThen there are those who search the stars and want to travel far away.
It has been called the last frontier but I like to think of it as our first frontier on the way to many.
We have walked on the moon and gone even farther.
Just think it was America that did these great adventures! oThen perhaps you are interested in the paranormal that is available for your studies as well, New equipment makes it possible for you to go to haunted houses, or aboard ships, any place you might think warrants a paranormal event.
oThere are science labs that experiments with foods, drugs, chemicals, etc.
You are able to venture into the world of experiments.
oPerhaps you prefer to venture back into the past and put together puzzles of lost countries or pieces of lost history.
There is plenty of room for you in that position.
oOur new modern method of communication with intelligence is the computer.
Many people just like using the computer, making programs, websites, repairing computers and inventing even faster more AI than what we have ever seen.
This is a great method to learn and be a part of the future.
oMedicine has excelled from bleeding people to actually making artificial blood, heart transplants, and more.
This field of study has gone way beyond what our forefathers ever thought that it could be.
College students in the 21st Century I believe are in the most exciting era of life and are very lucky to be able to attend the College of choice.
You have the capabilities supplied to you by some of the finest Universities in nation to study things of interest such as: oOceanography things that in the oceans and seas that no one has ever seen or heard about in the past centuries.
There are mini subs to take you to the bottom of the ocean and there are many different types of instruments that you can use to explore the animals and the things that the ocean has to offer.
oYou can study earth and all the inhabitants by traveling to different countries, or simply staying in a lab with the ability to access what you need to know with a computer.
You can find out about global warming, people, tree's, inventions, just about anything of interest to you.
oThen there are those who search the stars and want to travel far away.
It has been called the last frontier but I like to think of it as our first frontier on the way to many.
We have walked on the moon and gone even farther.
Just think it was America that did these great adventures! oThen perhaps you are interested in the paranormal that is available for your studies as well, New equipment makes it possible for you to go to haunted houses, or aboard ships, any place you might think warrants a paranormal event.
oThere are science labs that experiments with foods, drugs, chemicals, etc.
You are able to venture into the world of experiments.
oPerhaps you prefer to venture back into the past and put together puzzles of lost countries or pieces of lost history.
There is plenty of room for you in that position.
oOur new modern method of communication with intelligence is the computer.
Many people just like using the computer, making programs, websites, repairing computers and inventing even faster more AI than what we have ever seen.
This is a great method to learn and be a part of the future.
oMedicine has excelled from bleeding people to actually making artificial blood, heart transplants, and more.
This field of study has gone way beyond what our forefathers ever thought that it could be.
College students in the 21st Century I believe are in the most exciting era of life and are very lucky to be able to attend the College of choice.