Make your skirting board project easy
It's that time of year again when we all think about those DIY jobs an projects we've been putting off over the winter because of the weather and we decided enough is enough and we need to get them finished and out of our minds. If this sounds familiar and you've got a project which needs doing get it sorted now. This article has been written to give you a few tips on how to successful save time, money and effort.
1.) If you're purchasing materials make sure you get a variety of quotes. If you're a women make sure you sound like you know what you're talking about. Although not all, some merchants or bulk suppliers may take advantage of you and think you don't know what's the going rate. They'll provide a higher quote so that they make more money out of you.
2.) If you're purchasing things such as skirting boards make sure the finish is good and that the skirting board is made from good quality wood. If you haven't got a lot to spend then obviously the quality won't be so good but make sure you're not paying for good quality skirting board and just getting MDF.
3.) Think through how you're going to complete your project. For example are you going to nail your skirting board into the wall? It's easier and faster but hasn't got the perfect finish or are you going to use glue behind it? It's all things, which are better to consider before hand. If you wait until you've begin the job you may not be happy with the change half way through.
4.) If your materials are being delivered make sure you know how it's going to be packaged and whether you're happy with it. If you're paying for good quality wood it'll chip and dent easily so make sure they take this into consideration when packing it. You'd think being in the trade they'd know but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who get parcels damaged because of the courier or the supplier not taking care of it.
I hope this has helped
1.) If you're purchasing materials make sure you get a variety of quotes. If you're a women make sure you sound like you know what you're talking about. Although not all, some merchants or bulk suppliers may take advantage of you and think you don't know what's the going rate. They'll provide a higher quote so that they make more money out of you.
2.) If you're purchasing things such as skirting boards make sure the finish is good and that the skirting board is made from good quality wood. If you haven't got a lot to spend then obviously the quality won't be so good but make sure you're not paying for good quality skirting board and just getting MDF.
3.) Think through how you're going to complete your project. For example are you going to nail your skirting board into the wall? It's easier and faster but hasn't got the perfect finish or are you going to use glue behind it? It's all things, which are better to consider before hand. If you wait until you've begin the job you may not be happy with the change half way through.
4.) If your materials are being delivered make sure you know how it's going to be packaged and whether you're happy with it. If you're paying for good quality wood it'll chip and dent easily so make sure they take this into consideration when packing it. You'd think being in the trade they'd know but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who get parcels damaged because of the courier or the supplier not taking care of it.
I hope this has helped