What is an Open Relationship?
There are several different definitions of an open relationship. From a non-sexual standpoint, an open relationship is where both partners hide nothing from each other, including their past relationships and sexual experiences. However from a sexual standpoint, an open relationship signifies a relationship where both partners have agreed that monogamy, sexual fidelity or exclusivity are not expected.
Some people equate an open relationship with polyamory. Although the two might define a similar interaction where everyone involved can date or have a relationship with other people, polyamory focuses more on the experience of romantically loving more than one person at a time, as opposed to an open relationship which merely refers to people being committed to one another yet non-exclusive. Open relationships differ from no strings attached relationships, in that there is no commitment with a no strings attached arrangement. A friends with benefits relationship also differs from an open relationship, although the two terms can describe the same relationship. Whereas friends with benefits offer sexual companionship between two friends, it doesn't imply a level of commitment or exclusivity.
More About Open Relationships
- Is This an Open Relationship or Cheating?
- Before Your and Your Partner Consider an Open Relationship [for gay men]
- Open Relationships and STDs
Also Known As: consentual adultery, the lifestyle, non monogamy, polyamory, sexual nonexclusivity, swinging
Examples: "I've been thinking. Maybe we could try an open relationship for a while and see how that goes?"
Readers chimed in with their takes on open relationships, as well as their experiences:
- "I tried an open relationship with my bf, but he just used the word as an excuse to sleep with whoever he wanted without it being 'cheating'. I'll never do it again". ~ Me
- "In my experience with clients and friends over the years, 'open relationships' where people can have other relationships including sexual with others outside of their primary one, don't work for very long. Most of us--albeit not all--prefer our partners to not be having sex with others, even if we are present and have agreed to the idea. David Deida is one expert who has spoken and written about this. He also says that most of us are just not able to handle it. Problem is that neither are we really hardwired for long long long term monogamy either! That's the paradox. Men are the initiators and enjoy the conquest. Women also, even though by nature may need stability, also biologically responds to the attraction of different males. So essentially, we have to really choose monogamy and decide not to act on our primal instincts. Or we opt for the "open relationship" and see how long that last before it becomes just a painful mess, like any other love triangle". ~ Pamela Ramey Tatum
- "Means that hey I can cheat on you and you wouldn't care. But, I can see if your open relationship is honest about your last relationship honest in general then I don't have an issue with that cause you opened up in your relationship". ~ Chanel
- "I am female and have been in a loving and monogamous relationship for about 3 years now. I like to think that we have a level of commitment and honesty that can endure. But sometimes I wonder, being a lover of science, if any of us humans were ever really meant to be monogamous. Why do we feel aroused by others if we are supposed to be happy with only one? I just can't chalk it up to temptation and sin as I'm also an Atheist. It has to be biological. I'm curious about it, but will my partner exile me to that awkward no-man's land of relationship limbo if I tell him my musings? How would we deal with jealousy, or is it possible to adhere to "don't-ask-don't-tell" without that pesky human curiosity governing our actions, whether we want to be hurt or just in the "know"? Do we get all we need from just one? Or many?" ~ Anon
- "I am currently in a open relationship .. With a guy I'm head over heels for. We live a hour apart, and he is in the army and leaves often. We agree to this because no matter what he wants me and I want him. Temptation is so high for him due to the fact he is popular. I don't have a any knowledge of what he is doing and he has none of me. What I can't see or feel doesn't bother me. He respects me and I'm in a good place with it. Simply because we are young and sometimes you meet that one but wrong timing..." ~ Anonymous