Secrets Of Unconscious Attraction For Massive Seduction
There's a myth out there that says that girls like to be chased.
Like most myths, there's a certain degree of truth in it.
Sure, some girls like to be "chased" by guys that they are ALREADY interested in.
But telling any guy to chase a girl until she "surrenders" may backfire.
If she doesn't want anything to do with you, using any of the "chasing strategies" that are often taught may lead to you getting a restraining order.
Obviously, there's plenty of cases of a guy NEVER giving up, and pursuing a girl until she finally gives in, but just as often, she calls the cops and has him arrested for being a stalker.
Because it can go either way (her finally giving in or her calling the cops) it's not such good advice to give in general.
You'd have to know the specific situation, and all the personalities of the people involved.
However, there ARE certain things that DO work across the board.
Take confidence, for example.
Everything else being equal, more confidence is better than less confidence.
Of course, confidence is a hard to define thing.
It comes with having a mindset of abundance, rather than a mindset of poverty.
Meaning a guy with a prosperity mindset, who truly believes that if he DOESN'T succeed with the girl he's talking, it's not such a big deal.
Compare this to a guy who thinks life will END if he doesn't succeed with the girl he's talking to.
The first guy will be relaxed, playful, confident, in the moment, and will give off a strong vibe of attraction.
The second guy will be overly "nice," be afraid to offend, her and give off a slimy vibe of desperation.
How do you become the first guy? Even if you haven't been laid in years? Easy.
ALWAYS be pursuing something in life BESIDES women.
If you've got some strong, big, long term goals, and are chasing THEM instead of girls, she'll pick up on it.
After all, girls are much more attracted to "A Man With A Plan," than some guy who plays video games all day and hopes some girl will finally "notice him.
" Once you choose some solid goals, that you think of AT LEAST as often as getting laid, you will be AMAZED how your life turns around.
And if you think of your goals MORE OFTEN than getting laid? Girls will start chasing you, and you won't ever have to worry about "that part" of your life again.
Like most myths, there's a certain degree of truth in it.
Sure, some girls like to be "chased" by guys that they are ALREADY interested in.
But telling any guy to chase a girl until she "surrenders" may backfire.
If she doesn't want anything to do with you, using any of the "chasing strategies" that are often taught may lead to you getting a restraining order.
Obviously, there's plenty of cases of a guy NEVER giving up, and pursuing a girl until she finally gives in, but just as often, she calls the cops and has him arrested for being a stalker.
Because it can go either way (her finally giving in or her calling the cops) it's not such good advice to give in general.
You'd have to know the specific situation, and all the personalities of the people involved.
However, there ARE certain things that DO work across the board.
Take confidence, for example.
Everything else being equal, more confidence is better than less confidence.
Of course, confidence is a hard to define thing.
It comes with having a mindset of abundance, rather than a mindset of poverty.
Meaning a guy with a prosperity mindset, who truly believes that if he DOESN'T succeed with the girl he's talking, it's not such a big deal.
Compare this to a guy who thinks life will END if he doesn't succeed with the girl he's talking to.
The first guy will be relaxed, playful, confident, in the moment, and will give off a strong vibe of attraction.
The second guy will be overly "nice," be afraid to offend, her and give off a slimy vibe of desperation.
How do you become the first guy? Even if you haven't been laid in years? Easy.
ALWAYS be pursuing something in life BESIDES women.
If you've got some strong, big, long term goals, and are chasing THEM instead of girls, she'll pick up on it.
After all, girls are much more attracted to "A Man With A Plan," than some guy who plays video games all day and hopes some girl will finally "notice him.
" Once you choose some solid goals, that you think of AT LEAST as often as getting laid, you will be AMAZED how your life turns around.
And if you think of your goals MORE OFTEN than getting laid? Girls will start chasing you, and you won't ever have to worry about "that part" of your life again.