What to Include in Divorce Paperwork
- A petition for divorce is a document giving the court authority over your divorce. The petitioner (the person filling for the divorce) files this documents with the local court clerk. It is this document that is later served to the other party to notify them of the petition.
- Financial statements of both parties are required. The statements reveal monthly income, deductions and expenses, debts and assets. Financial statements help the parties and the courts make agreements and decision based on the couple's financial status.
- Marital settlement agreement is a written and signed contract agreement between the parties seeking divorce. This form handles issues such as child custody, child support and how property shall be divided.
- The child custody jurisdiction form is a necessary document if there are minor children involved. This form is important because it is the court has the legal authority to decide the outcome of the childrens' issues.
Financial Statements
Settlement Agreement
Child Custody