Tips To Stop BedWetting
Bedwetting is a common occurrence in young children. It is not actually known what causes this problem. But following are some tips that may help stop your child from wetting the bed.
Basically the definition for bedwetting is when children over three years old wet the bed when they are sleeping. This problem occurs more often with boys and tends to run in families.
Many times moving to a new house, a new baby in the family or when parents become divorced can bring on bedwetting. The chid probably feels the tension these things bring on and this is the way their body reacts to it.
After you have checked to be sure your child doesn't have a medical reason that may be causing the bedwetting then you can work with your child to help them to stop wetting the bed. Try to down play the situation as much as possible so that it doesn't make matters worse. Remember that the child isn't wetting the bed on purpose, it is an unconscious act.
Try to restrict the child's fluids a few hours before bedtime. Try not to make a big issue of it but see if you can get your child to eat a snack such as fruit instead of drinking any liquids. You don't want to start a new problem by offering bad snacks such as candy or cookies. Always start with healthy snacks first.
This may seem like a lot of work but you can try waking them up during the night and taking them to the bathroom. At first you may have to do this every two hours. You can increase the time between wakings when you see that the child is not wetting the bed in between times. This may seem a little extreme to some people but there actually is a product on the market that will detect liquid on the bedding and it will set off an alarm. This may work for some children but it may actually be somewhat scary for others.
The biggest thing to remember with all of this is not to yell at them and place the blame on them since it is not their fault and again that will just make matters worse. Soon this bedwetting will be a thing of the past.
Basically the definition for bedwetting is when children over three years old wet the bed when they are sleeping. This problem occurs more often with boys and tends to run in families.
Many times moving to a new house, a new baby in the family or when parents become divorced can bring on bedwetting. The chid probably feels the tension these things bring on and this is the way their body reacts to it.
After you have checked to be sure your child doesn't have a medical reason that may be causing the bedwetting then you can work with your child to help them to stop wetting the bed. Try to down play the situation as much as possible so that it doesn't make matters worse. Remember that the child isn't wetting the bed on purpose, it is an unconscious act.
Try to restrict the child's fluids a few hours before bedtime. Try not to make a big issue of it but see if you can get your child to eat a snack such as fruit instead of drinking any liquids. You don't want to start a new problem by offering bad snacks such as candy or cookies. Always start with healthy snacks first.
This may seem like a lot of work but you can try waking them up during the night and taking them to the bathroom. At first you may have to do this every two hours. You can increase the time between wakings when you see that the child is not wetting the bed in between times. This may seem a little extreme to some people but there actually is a product on the market that will detect liquid on the bedding and it will set off an alarm. This may work for some children but it may actually be somewhat scary for others.
The biggest thing to remember with all of this is not to yell at them and place the blame on them since it is not their fault and again that will just make matters worse. Soon this bedwetting will be a thing of the past.