3 Secrets to Living a Life That You Love
For many of us at times it has seemed as though living a life of our dreams was not realistic.
We have held down jobs that we have disliked, stayed in less than healthy relationships out of fear of the unknown and resigned ourselves to the concept that we are here to struggle and then we die.
To begin to address a whole new paradigm takes courage and heart.
The heart is where you find your courage.
In the bible Jesus advised us to not love our lives as we could lose them "If you cling to your life, you will lose it, if you let your life go, you will save it.
" Luke 17:33 That translation has at times been misunderstood.
There is a whole new way to love your life when you are living in your heart and not attached to any outcomes.
Then and in that place, can you more purely love as you have no fear of losing and have only giving and serving in mind, heart and soul.
Here are 3 secrets to living a life that you love and will never lose.
Recognize That You Are an Emotional Being When we recognize that we have emotions and that we are here to heal our emotional body, we can begin to heal our past and not repeat it.
How many times have you felt as though it was groundhog day as in the movie with Bill Murray, that you are repeating over and over again the same situations and drawing the same unhealthy friendships and relationships into your life? We live on autopilot at times.
This is where inner work and looking at our patterns and emotional states can be helpful.
Healing our emotional wounds can help us greatly prepare our heart to live in the joy that it is here to experience.
Remember Who You Were at 10 Years Old No matter what kind of childhood you had, you can remember a part of your being that felt as though you could do anything.
You have enough reasoning at ten to know logically more than you did at earlier stages of development and still have not been overly conditioned to ignore your own inner promptings from your heart that sing with creativity and joy, the joy of you.
You may have experienced difficulty in your childhood, but at ten the world still feels like your oyster.
Take a moment and remember that feeling.
It does not matter how old you are in chronological age.
Your heart, mind and soul know no age limits.
Take that class.
Rediscover what you love, it is not and never was too late.
Begin today.
Connect with Your Intuitive Self Within is the wisdom of the ages.
Not only that, within you is the divine blueprint that holds all of your unique gifts, talents, purpose and the keys to unlocking this blueprint is within your intuitive self.
This aspect of your being is the true you.
The ego self contains our wounds and tells us what we can and cannot do from a limited perspective.
Ask your Higher Self to come forth and say out loud that you align with it.
With free will, we can do anything we want.
It helps to consciously call on our intuitive self to assist us, it is the highest aspect of our being and contains our own holy grail.
There are many choices in life, remember that you are here to live from your heart, with it's full potential and that living a life that you love can become a reality for every soul on the earth at this time.
We have held down jobs that we have disliked, stayed in less than healthy relationships out of fear of the unknown and resigned ourselves to the concept that we are here to struggle and then we die.
To begin to address a whole new paradigm takes courage and heart.
The heart is where you find your courage.
In the bible Jesus advised us to not love our lives as we could lose them "If you cling to your life, you will lose it, if you let your life go, you will save it.
" Luke 17:33 That translation has at times been misunderstood.
There is a whole new way to love your life when you are living in your heart and not attached to any outcomes.
Then and in that place, can you more purely love as you have no fear of losing and have only giving and serving in mind, heart and soul.
Here are 3 secrets to living a life that you love and will never lose.
Recognize That You Are an Emotional Being When we recognize that we have emotions and that we are here to heal our emotional body, we can begin to heal our past and not repeat it.
How many times have you felt as though it was groundhog day as in the movie with Bill Murray, that you are repeating over and over again the same situations and drawing the same unhealthy friendships and relationships into your life? We live on autopilot at times.
This is where inner work and looking at our patterns and emotional states can be helpful.
Healing our emotional wounds can help us greatly prepare our heart to live in the joy that it is here to experience.
Remember Who You Were at 10 Years Old No matter what kind of childhood you had, you can remember a part of your being that felt as though you could do anything.
You have enough reasoning at ten to know logically more than you did at earlier stages of development and still have not been overly conditioned to ignore your own inner promptings from your heart that sing with creativity and joy, the joy of you.
You may have experienced difficulty in your childhood, but at ten the world still feels like your oyster.
Take a moment and remember that feeling.
It does not matter how old you are in chronological age.
Your heart, mind and soul know no age limits.
Take that class.
Rediscover what you love, it is not and never was too late.
Begin today.
Connect with Your Intuitive Self Within is the wisdom of the ages.
Not only that, within you is the divine blueprint that holds all of your unique gifts, talents, purpose and the keys to unlocking this blueprint is within your intuitive self.
This aspect of your being is the true you.
The ego self contains our wounds and tells us what we can and cannot do from a limited perspective.
Ask your Higher Self to come forth and say out loud that you align with it.
With free will, we can do anything we want.
It helps to consciously call on our intuitive self to assist us, it is the highest aspect of our being and contains our own holy grail.
There are many choices in life, remember that you are here to live from your heart, with it's full potential and that living a life that you love can become a reality for every soul on the earth at this time.