How to Campaign to Build a Church
- 1). Take stock of current funds and the willingness of your congregation to participate in a church-building campaign and think hard about how you can boost not only income but also participation.
- 2). Plan a specific goal for your campaign -- i.e., a certain dollar amount or a certain number of contributors. Draw up a detailed strategy for how and where the money will be spent.
- 3). Seek out the members of your congregation with capital assets, such as bonds and real estate, who can contribute these as gifts to your campaign.
- 4). Encourage less well-off church members to contribute by pledging a small amount of their earnings every week or month to the campaign.
- 5). Help your congregation to reduce their debt with support groups and friendly advice. For example, they could cancel monthly subscriptions, make use of shopping coupons or take a family vacation closer to home. The money they save can then be put toward the church.
- 6). Speak to the hearts of your congregation by encouraging them to understand the benefits of the new church. Teach your vision of the new church: in small groups, from the pulpit or by other means such as "prayer walks."