Responding to Food Guarding in Adult Dogs
In a pack, it is not unusual for dogs to threaten each other over food, but one of them will usually back down and then everything is fine.
If one doesn't back down, the outcome is decided by the one who is victorious in the resulting fight.
In a home environment, food guarding can be dangerous.
Children are the most at risk, as they are seen by your dog as equal or lesser members of the pack.
It is important to respond immediately to any indication that your dog is developing a food guarding inclination.
Basically, you will be using the same steps you would use with a puppy, but in slower progression.
If you have adopted your dog from a rescue organization, you need to establish that you are the leader of the pack.
Please do not interpret "leader of the pack" as physical dominance.
Your dominance can be established without the need for any kind of physical punishment or negative response - far from it.
Using gentle, positive reinforcement will get the wanted result faster and will be longer lasting.
It may be something your new pet accepts immediately, or it may take a little time, but the recognition of you as pack leader will come.
If you have had your dog for a while and she has begun showing signs of aggression, you need to re-establish your role as the pack leader.
This may involve more than just food-it may involve changing the way you interact with your dog on other levels - for instance, not allowing your dog to sleep in your bed.
In either case, proceed slowly and at any point that you are confronted with overt aggression or feel uncomfortable, it is time to consult a dog training professional.
Begin by sitting on the floor with your new dog and her feeding dish.
Feed her a few pieces of kibble one piece at a time so that she understands that this game is going to involve food.
Then place a few pieces of kibble in the bowl and tell her to "Take it".
After you have practiced this a few times, place a few pieces of kibble in the bowl, but leave your hand in the bowl.
If she accepts this with no sign of growling or stiffening, practice a few more times to reinforce.
When you are sure that she accepts your hand being in the bowl, it is time to move on to the next step.
This may all happen on the first day, or it may take several attempts.
Remember that you want to proceed slowly and that if you feel you are not getting good results, it is better to consult a professional than to be bitten.
From a seated position with your dog and her bowl, the next step is to put a few pieces of kibble in the bowl, but before she can eat all of them, remove the bowl.
Add a small treat or a small amount of canned food into the bowl and return it to her.
Practice this several times, each time adding something that she likes more than the kibble in the bowl before returning it to her.
Be sure to use small portions! You will be practicing this several times, and you don't want to over-feed your dog.
If your dog is responding well to your removing her food, you are ready to move to step three.
Stand and remove the bowl from her before she has finished eating.
Again, add a special treat or some canned food and return the bowl to her.
If you successfully complete all of these steps, you are on your way to having a dog that does not have a food guarding issue.
Be sure to remember that just because she is OK with you removing the bowl, it doesn't mean that she will be OK with anyone else.
At any point, if she exhibits any sort of aggression, back up to where she is comfortable and repeat the exercises.
If you continue to get an aggressive response, it is time to consult a training professional.
Once you are getting a consistent positive response from your dog, then you may allow another adult to remove the bowl.
Again, if your dog responds negatively, back up or get professional assistance.
Never allow children to begin to take over the role until you are certain of the response that you will get, and then only under your supervision.
Your presence alerts the dog that as you as pack leader, recognize the child or children as pack members, and that they have higher status than your dog.
If one doesn't back down, the outcome is decided by the one who is victorious in the resulting fight.
In a home environment, food guarding can be dangerous.
Children are the most at risk, as they are seen by your dog as equal or lesser members of the pack.
It is important to respond immediately to any indication that your dog is developing a food guarding inclination.
Basically, you will be using the same steps you would use with a puppy, but in slower progression.
If you have adopted your dog from a rescue organization, you need to establish that you are the leader of the pack.
Please do not interpret "leader of the pack" as physical dominance.
Your dominance can be established without the need for any kind of physical punishment or negative response - far from it.
Using gentle, positive reinforcement will get the wanted result faster and will be longer lasting.
It may be something your new pet accepts immediately, or it may take a little time, but the recognition of you as pack leader will come.
If you have had your dog for a while and she has begun showing signs of aggression, you need to re-establish your role as the pack leader.
This may involve more than just food-it may involve changing the way you interact with your dog on other levels - for instance, not allowing your dog to sleep in your bed.
In either case, proceed slowly and at any point that you are confronted with overt aggression or feel uncomfortable, it is time to consult a dog training professional.
Begin by sitting on the floor with your new dog and her feeding dish.
Feed her a few pieces of kibble one piece at a time so that she understands that this game is going to involve food.
Then place a few pieces of kibble in the bowl and tell her to "Take it".
After you have practiced this a few times, place a few pieces of kibble in the bowl, but leave your hand in the bowl.
If she accepts this with no sign of growling or stiffening, practice a few more times to reinforce.
When you are sure that she accepts your hand being in the bowl, it is time to move on to the next step.
This may all happen on the first day, or it may take several attempts.
Remember that you want to proceed slowly and that if you feel you are not getting good results, it is better to consult a professional than to be bitten.
From a seated position with your dog and her bowl, the next step is to put a few pieces of kibble in the bowl, but before she can eat all of them, remove the bowl.
Add a small treat or a small amount of canned food into the bowl and return it to her.
Practice this several times, each time adding something that she likes more than the kibble in the bowl before returning it to her.
Be sure to use small portions! You will be practicing this several times, and you don't want to over-feed your dog.
If your dog is responding well to your removing her food, you are ready to move to step three.
Stand and remove the bowl from her before she has finished eating.
Again, add a special treat or some canned food and return the bowl to her.
If you successfully complete all of these steps, you are on your way to having a dog that does not have a food guarding issue.
Be sure to remember that just because she is OK with you removing the bowl, it doesn't mean that she will be OK with anyone else.
At any point, if she exhibits any sort of aggression, back up to where she is comfortable and repeat the exercises.
If you continue to get an aggressive response, it is time to consult a training professional.
Once you are getting a consistent positive response from your dog, then you may allow another adult to remove the bowl.
Again, if your dog responds negatively, back up or get professional assistance.
Never allow children to begin to take over the role until you are certain of the response that you will get, and then only under your supervision.
Your presence alerts the dog that as you as pack leader, recognize the child or children as pack members, and that they have higher status than your dog.