Various Types Of Weight Loss Surgery In India Offers Low Cost Best Treatment Option And Fewer Compli

Various types of Weight loss surgery in India offers low cost best treatment option and fewer complications to obese patients all over the world
Medical tourism offers Weight loss surgery in India at a very economical and beneficial offer. And hence the foreign patients dont have to worry about their medical insurance and high cost medical treatment procedure when medical tourism arranges economical obesity surgery for patients from abroad. Cost of Weight loss surgery in India is almost half compared to the cost of treatment in other developed countries. India is one of many destinations for medical tourists because of its world-class standards of medical care, highly trained obesity surgeons and of course the undeniably diverse tourist attractions. It is a best option for those who want to club their Weight loss surgeryin India along with a holiday at mesmerizing places, hence the term medical tourism has embarked.
Weight loss surgery definition:
Weight loss surgery also called as Bariatric surgery, Bypass surgery, gastric banding and Obesity surgery. If you're very overweight and can't lose pounds with a healthy diet and exercise, surgery might be an option for you. Weight loss surgery is usually for men who are at least 100 pounds overweight and women who are at least 80 pounds overweight. If you are somewhat less overweight, surgery still might be an option if you also have diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea. Gastric weight loss surgery limits the amount of food you can take in. Some operations also restrict the amount of food you can digest.

When it comes to a decision about the actual type of Weight loss surgery to be used, there are a couple of different surgical procedures that can be used.
Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG): This type Weight loss surgery use Surgical staples to divide the stomach into two parts. The upper part is small, which limits space for food. Food empties from the upper pouch into the lower pouch through a small opening. A band is put around this opening so it doesnt stretch. Risks of Vertical banded gastroplasty include wearing away of the band and breakdown of the staple line. In a small number of cases, stomach juices may leak into the abdomen or infection or death from complications may occur.
Laparoscopic gastric banding (Lap-Band). In this type of Weight loss surgery an inflatable band is placed around the upper stomach to create a small pouch and narrow passage into the remainder of the stomach. This limits food consumption and creates an earlier feeling of fullness. Once the band is in place, it is inflated with saline. The band is adjusted over time by increasing or decreasing the amount of salt solution to change the size of the passage. The band is intended for severely obese people those at least 100 pounds overweight or who are at least twice their ideal body weight who have failed to lose weight by other methods such as a supervised diet and exercise. The band is intended to remain in place permanently, but it can be removed if necessary. People who get the band will need to diet and exercise in order to maintain their weight loss. Complications may include nausea and vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, band slippage, or pouch enlargement.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB). In this type of Weight loss surgery the surgeon makes the stomach smaller by using surgical staples to create a small stomach pouch. The pouch is attached to the middle part of a small intestine. Food bypasses the upper part of the small intestine and stomach and goes into the middle part of the small intestine through a small opening. Bypassing the stomach limits the amount of food a person can eat. By bypassing part of the intestine, the amount of calories and nutrients the body absorbs is reduced. The small opening slows down the rate food leaves the pouch. One risk for patients is "dumping syndrome." This happens when the stomach contents move too rapidly through the small intestine. Symptoms may include nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and diarrhea after eating. Side effects include infection, leaking, pulmonary embolism (sudden blockage in a lung artery), gallstones, and nutritional deficiency.
Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). This procedure of Weight loss surgery is not commonly used in the United States. A large part of the stomach is removed. The amount of food is restricted, in addition to stomach acid production. The small pouch that remains is connected directly to the final segment of the small intestine, completely bypassing other parts of the small intestine. A common channel remains in which bile and pancreatic digestive juices mix prior to entering the colon. Weight loss occurs since most of the calories and nutrients are routed into the colon where they are not absorbed. This procedure is less frequently used than other types of surgery because of the high risk for nutritional deficiencies. A variation of BPD includes a "duodenal switch," which leaves a larger portion of the stomach intact, including the pyloric valve that regulates the release of stomach contents into the small intestine. It also keeps a small part of the duodenum.
Weight loss surgery complications
Like Weight loss surgery, like any type of surgery involves risks, and that includes the complications from both the Weight loss surgery itself and also the effects of anaesthetic used. Ironically, a person may be considered so overweight, the surgeon is reluctant to perform any type of surgery in case they expire on the table. This is usually the case if the person has health related issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease etc that can exacerbate quickly into an emergency. Unfortunately there are also the added risks after the Weight loss surgery. These Weight loss surgerycomplications dont stop once the surgery has been completed.
After Weight loss surgery:
Most patients who undergo Weight loss surgery or some form of gastric banding procedure do lose weight. Many lose a lot of weight. But this massive weight loss brings problems of its own. Typically patients are left with large folds of excess skin, along with loose muscles and sometimes localized pockets of unsightly fat tissue. In such cases, Bariatric plastic surgery or lipoplasty (liposuction) can help to reshape the normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem.
Why India?
India offers modern private Weight loss surgery clinics with access to the latest technology and treatments for medical tourists. Health care centers of Chennai and Mumbai in India have modern facilities and wonderful accommodation facilities for patients suffering from Weight loss surgery. The country boasts sunshine throughout the year, extraordinary scenery and of course, beaches and rich history. These attractions, combined with the lower costs for treatment are major enticements for thousands of travelers. Many healthcare providers and private clinics in Indiahave realized that their countrys natural wonders can have a positive impact on the recovery process for their patients and encourage both post-operative relaxation and exploration.
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