How You Can Be a Financial Success - Brian Tracey Success Principals
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.
" - Brian Tracy We are in an interesting time, not just financially but also in terms of opportunity.
I don't have go over what situation most financial markets are in, it's all around us all the time! You can hear people talking about on trains, in coffee shops, bars, restaurants and in the gym.
The media is working it up like crazy and all the while this negative information is affecting our subconscious.
I think we can all agree that the financial situation is in a poor shape and that is probably an underestimation.
So what can we do? Well in most situations like this there are really two choices.
We can let the negative influences get into our minds all day long, week after week.
We can make a decision that the markets are going to take a long time to get back to where they once were and that many people will have financial hardship.
Ultimately it is completely out of our control and the only thing to do is wait for the markets to recover.
Sit tight, pull the reigns in and wait for the market to change back.
Or 2.
We can acknowledge the situation in full; understand that it is going to be some time before the world is back to where it once was.
Then start to look at our own situation and work out what we can do on a personal level to improve it.
We can work out a plan that puts us back in the driving seat.
We can then start to look for gaps and opportunities that have been created because of the current financial climate and look at how this can be used to help others.
Which one will you do? You probably know which option I am taking? Yes, option 2.
Many people take option 1 and I can understand why.
It's the safe route, it's the path that is initially the easiest to take.
It doesn't require much effort and can be done with not much thought.
As humans that is a natural reaction, I know I am very guilty of doing that myself from time to time.
But in the long run that mentality is the hardest.
It's the one that will bring the most damage both mentally and financially.
Why? Well it is essentially giving up, giving up on your dreams, goals and control of your life.
Taking option 1 means you are letting someone else decide what will happen for you.
So what about option 2? Isn't that just a lot of effort? Yes! Option 2 is more effort initially but in the long run will probably mean much LESS effort! Let's take a very simple example.
If one of our goals is to reduce the monthly household spend.
Let's say to reduce the energy bill in particular.
What could be done to achieve this? Well perhaps; - 1.
Turn lights off in rooms not used 2.
Only run washing machines and dishwashers during economy hours 3.
Turn the heating down a bit (or air conditioning if you live in a warm area!) 4.
Turn off all appliances at the wall when not used 5.
Wash up by hand a bit more! You get the picture.
So let's look at what that would have done - Saved Money, Created a good habit, good for the environment.
It's only a small change but it has good results.
With that extra money you save you could use it to invest in some education or in a business.
That information or business could eventually make you lots of money! Attitude, it all takes the right attitude.
To make an positive change your attitude has to be right.
That is what brain Tracy is saying in his statement above.
It's not the situation that decides your attitude it you.
" - Brian Tracy We are in an interesting time, not just financially but also in terms of opportunity.
I don't have go over what situation most financial markets are in, it's all around us all the time! You can hear people talking about on trains, in coffee shops, bars, restaurants and in the gym.
The media is working it up like crazy and all the while this negative information is affecting our subconscious.
I think we can all agree that the financial situation is in a poor shape and that is probably an underestimation.
So what can we do? Well in most situations like this there are really two choices.
We can let the negative influences get into our minds all day long, week after week.
We can make a decision that the markets are going to take a long time to get back to where they once were and that many people will have financial hardship.
Ultimately it is completely out of our control and the only thing to do is wait for the markets to recover.
Sit tight, pull the reigns in and wait for the market to change back.
Or 2.
We can acknowledge the situation in full; understand that it is going to be some time before the world is back to where it once was.
Then start to look at our own situation and work out what we can do on a personal level to improve it.
We can work out a plan that puts us back in the driving seat.
We can then start to look for gaps and opportunities that have been created because of the current financial climate and look at how this can be used to help others.
Which one will you do? You probably know which option I am taking? Yes, option 2.
Many people take option 1 and I can understand why.
It's the safe route, it's the path that is initially the easiest to take.
It doesn't require much effort and can be done with not much thought.
As humans that is a natural reaction, I know I am very guilty of doing that myself from time to time.
But in the long run that mentality is the hardest.
It's the one that will bring the most damage both mentally and financially.
Why? Well it is essentially giving up, giving up on your dreams, goals and control of your life.
Taking option 1 means you are letting someone else decide what will happen for you.
So what about option 2? Isn't that just a lot of effort? Yes! Option 2 is more effort initially but in the long run will probably mean much LESS effort! Let's take a very simple example.
If one of our goals is to reduce the monthly household spend.
Let's say to reduce the energy bill in particular.
What could be done to achieve this? Well perhaps; - 1.
Turn lights off in rooms not used 2.
Only run washing machines and dishwashers during economy hours 3.
Turn the heating down a bit (or air conditioning if you live in a warm area!) 4.
Turn off all appliances at the wall when not used 5.
Wash up by hand a bit more! You get the picture.
So let's look at what that would have done - Saved Money, Created a good habit, good for the environment.
It's only a small change but it has good results.
With that extra money you save you could use it to invest in some education or in a business.
That information or business could eventually make you lots of money! Attitude, it all takes the right attitude.
To make an positive change your attitude has to be right.
That is what brain Tracy is saying in his statement above.
It's not the situation that decides your attitude it you.